Facts Flashcards
Frequency, Intensity, Time or Duration, Type or Mode, Enjoyment
the number of sessions per day and week, how often you are exercising
how challenging the exercise is, or the amount of effort/work invested in a particular exercise
Time or Duration
the length of the exercise session, varies based on intensity and type
Type or Mode
how are you exercising, what exercises will be performed?
the principle that it needs to be made fun in order to be a success
Fat soluble
Dynamic exercise
keep joints and muscles moving. Examples are swimming, walking, cross country skiing, bicycling, weight training and house cleaning. Blood circulation, strength and endurance are improved by these continuous movements.
Static exercise
also known as isometrics, exerts muscles at high intensities without movement of the joints. Pushing on a heavy couch that does not move is an example of static exercise.
Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely
Sinoatrial node
pacemaker of the heart
Erector Spinae
trunk flexion
flex hip joint
hip extension
cool down
40-60% of VO2R
not ready to exercises, not interested
thinking about making a behavior change
doing something related to exercise, but meeting guidlines
meeting set criteria< 6 months (most susceptible to drop out)
meeting criteria > or = 6 months
Visual, auditory, kinesthetic
Resting Heart Rate (HR resting)
beats per minute, first thing in morning, at rest averaged over 3 days
Maximal Heart Rate (HR max)
all out effort 220-age
Heart Rate Reserve (HRR)
Difference between maximum and resting heart rates
Training Heart Rate (THR)
Reflects training intensity range bpm for safety and effectiveness
Oxygen Uptake Reserve (VO2R)
Difference between maximium and resting oxygen uptake
Karvonen Method/ HR Reserve Method
(HRR x Training %) + HRrest =THR Training heart rate
Uses % HRR -40-85% HRR rather than percentage of estimated Maximum Heart Rate 64-94% HRmaz
Spinal curves
7 cervical, 12 thoractic, 5 lumbar and sacral-pelvic
spinal rotation & Lateral flexion
Gastrocnemius/ Tibialis anterior
plantar flexion/ dorsiflexion
Quadriceps/ Hamstrings
Knee extension/ knee flexion
Gluteus maximus/ liopsoas
Hip extension/ hip flexion
biceps brachii/ triceps brachii
elbow flexion/ extension
Erector spinae/ abdominals
spinal extension/ flexion
Rotator cuff muscles (SITS)
shoulder Abd/ external rotation/internal rotation
Latissimus dorsi/ medial deltoid
shoulder adduction/ abduction
pectoralis major/ posterior deltoid
shoulder horizontal add/ abd
Mid Trapezius/ pectoralis Major
scapular retraction(Add)/ Protraction(abd)
Prime movers
opposing muscle
involved in stabilizing, fixating or assisting at a joint
1 MET= VO2(mlkg _1min_1) / 3.5
Metabolic Equivqlqnt Units (mETs)
1g of carbs
4 kcal
1g of protein
4 kcal
1 g fat
9 kcal
1 g alcohol
7 kcal
1 pound fat =
3500 kcal