Factors limiting population growth Flashcards
Carrying capacity(K) of the habitat influenced by
the most limiting resource
Density- dependent pop. regulation is due too
intrinsic factors, the population numbers depend on activity of individuals ex.birth rate, over-grazing, death rate
In a density dependent pop. reg. regulation occurs with..
with decreased birth rate and increased mortality
Mechanisms for density-dependent effects when pop exceeds K
1.Intraspecific competition
2.Delayed breeding or reduced offspring production
3.Maintain larger territories when resources become limiting
Intraspecific competition-?
Occurs when required resources are limited (food, space, or mates)
Two types or things in Intraspecific competition
Interference competition-individuals directly interferes
Differential ability to secure resources
Delayed breeding or reduced offspring production, elk studies?
When populations density’s are high it results in
-increased agonistic encounters
-increased stress in sub-dominant animals
-stress triggers secretion of growth and sex hormones
-leads to suppression of body growth and reproduction
-odour of urine from females delays puberty in baby’s born during periods of high pop. density
All of this leads to lower birth rate and reduction of pop, growth rate
Mech. for density dependent effects when pop. exceed k-
Maintain larger territories when resources become limiting
Larger territories by dominant individuals leads to less recources for sub-domainant individuals
This leads to reduced in non-territorial individuals
Mechanisms for density-dependent effects when populations exceed K-
When in enclosed area animals can be excess predation and starvation but with migration Number of animals dont go above carrying capacity
Mechanisms for density-dependent effects when populations exceed K
parasites do not appear to have a major effect on host survival but in females to become pregnant
fish has least parasite
mammals and trees most parasites
Mechanisms for density-dependent effects when populations exceed K
predators are major sources of mortality in the survivorship curve for most species
increased density allows predators to expand in numbers and distribution
Predator foraging rates-predators spend more time in habitats where prey are abundant
Insects in density-dependent pop. die mostly from..
Parasites and disease
Small animals and birds die mostly from what in a density-dependent pop.
Limited space or overcrowding
Large animals die mostly from what in a density-dependent pop.
Mortality from limited food
Extrinsic factors is from..?
Density-independent population regulation
Density-independent population regulation?
reduction of carrying-capacity
mortality due to severe external conditions
independent of amount of individuals in population
ex. fire, cold, hot , hurricane
Cycles of predator and prey abundance are correlated going up and down in a 11 year cycle, why?
1.Sunspots- concentrated portion of the sun’s magnetic field pokes through the surface- are localized zones of reduced heat output but mostly greater solar output
- Stressful for predators when hunts are not successful= less reproduction/ weak offspring
3.Nights without darkness peak over 9.3 years