Factors Influencing Attitudes To Food & Eating Behaviour Flashcards
How many factors influence attitudes to food & eating behaviour?
Name 4 factors influence attitudes to food & eating behaviour
1) Culture
2) Social learning
3) Health concerns
4) Mood
What does a lot of research looking into factors influence attitudes to food & eating behaviour focus on?
Body dissatisfaction - aims to find the cause of this dissatisfaction and the consequent influence of eating behaviour
Name 2 studies regarding the ethnicity of individuals in terms of factors influence attitudes to food & eating behaviour
1) Powell & Khan (95)
2) Ball & Kenardy (02)
Outline Powell & Khan (95)
Dissatisfaction and eating concerns related and disorders found more of a characteristic of white women than black or Asian women
Outline Ball & Kenardy (02)
Studied over 14,000 women 18-23 years old in Australia - found for all ethnic groups, the longer the time spent in Australia, the more the women reported attitudes and eating behaviours similar to women born in Australia (known as acculturation)
In terms of culture for factors influence attitudes to food & eating behaviour, what 2 aspects are considered?
1) Ethnicity
2) Social Class
Name the major negative evaluative point about ethnicity for culture in terms of factors influence attitudes to food & eating behaviour
Other studies contradict findings - Mumford (91) and Striegel-Moore (95)
Outline Mumford (91)
Found incidence of bulimia was greater among Asian schoolgirls than among their white counterparts
Outline Striegel-Moore (95)
Found more evidence of a ‘drive for thinness’ among black girls than among white girls
Explain social class for culture in terms of factors influence attitudes to food & eating behaviour
Research has suggested body dissatisfaction, dieting behaviour and eating disorders are more common in higher-class individuals
Name 2 studies for social class for culture in terms of factors influence attitudes to food & eating behaviour
1) Dornbusch (84)
2) Goode (08)
Outline Dornbusch (84)
Surveyed 7,000 American adolescents and concluded higher-class females had greater desire to be thin
Outline Goode (08)
Used data from 2003 Scottish Health Survey and established in general, income is positively associated with healthy eating
What is the main negative evaluative point for the role of social class for culture in terms of factors influence attitudes to food & eating behaviour?
Relationship is not that straightforward with research contradicting that of above - Story (95) who found in a sample of American students, higher social class related to greater satisfaction with weight and lower rates of weight control behaviours - and other studies have found no relationship between social class and weight dissatisfaction, desire for thinness and eating disorders
Outline Ogden (03)
Food choice ‘takes place within a network of social meanings’ so eating is more than just a biological need - the food we choose and our eating behaviour is a social communication as it gives info about a person’s identity, particularly their cultural identity and tells us about their religion as certain foods cannot be eaten or have to be prepared in a certain way - also, eating is a social interaction so t is important in social identity too (e.g. traditional family meal or a national dish)
Name the main study relating to social class and culture in terms of factors that influence attitudes to food & eating behaviour
Ogden (03)
Name the 3 ways which socially, we use eating for
1) To develop relations (romantic meal for 2)
2) Demonstrate personal wealth (expensive restaurant)
3) For children, social learning theory says they learn what to eat and learn the appropriate behaviour
Name 3 examples of cultural/religious effects on eating behaviour
1) Judaism - preparation is Kosher and there are fasting & ritual feasting days
2) Christianity - bread and wine symbolic, mormons (no caffeine/alcohol), Easter and Christmas are feasting days
3) Islam - Halal foods, Haram foods (forbidden foods) like pork and alcohol, religious days for feasting and Ramadan (fasting for one month)
Explain what effects cultural ideals have on eating behaviour
Eating/not eating can be used to change body shape and size in line with cultural ideals - in Western cultures, no food shortages yet thinness is seen as ideal