Factor Analysis Flashcards
What is factor analysis?
A class of multivariate statistical methods for analyzing the interrelationships among a set of variables and for explaining these interrelationships in terms of a reduced number of variables (called factors).
What is the difference between exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis?
In EFA, the researcher has no specific expectations regarding the nature of the underlying constructs:
- We carry out EFA to uncover the factor(s) that underlies the relationship of a set of variables.
In CFA, a factor structure is explicitly hypothesized.
- We seek to test the degree to which the data meet the hypothesized structure.
CFA differs from EFA in that it employs different method of estimation and use different set of criteria for evaluating the adequacy of the factor solutions.
What is Principal Component Analysis (PCA)?
The goal is to identify a new set of variables called principal components, with the first few components accounting for most of the variance of the variables.
Each component is a weighted sum of the original set of variables.
Concerned with total variance. Makes no distinction between common and unique variance.
Used when the objective is data reduction (i.e., it summarizes the data by finding the min number of components needed to account for the maximum portion of the variance represented in the original set of variables).
What is EFA (Common FA)?
Used to identify interpretable constructs that explain the correlations among the variables as well as possible.
Define factor(s) that arise only from the common variance component of the variables.
Thus factors are estimates of hypothetical, error-free underlying latent construct. This is because they are extracted with the unique variance (variance not shared with other items) removed from each item.
Uses the communality coefficients to replace the 1s on the diagonal of the correlation matrix for its analysis.
What is the difference in conceptual meaning of
component (In PCA) and factor (in EFA)?
Components are defined by how items are answered
* Components are end products (effect) of the items in the sense that actual scores obtained on items determine the nature of the components.
Factors determine how items are answered
* Each variable in a set of measured variables is a linear function of one or more common factors and one unique factor.
Factors explain a certain proportion of the shared variance, while component explains a certain proportion of the total variance.
PCA versus common factor analysis
Why is there a debate over which approach is more appropriate or superior?
PCA is argued to be superior because:
* Computationally simpler
* Not susceptible to improper solutions
* Ability to calculate a respondent’s score on a principal component
Others argued that common factor analysis is more appropriate if:
* The objective is to reproduce the intercorrelations among a set of variables with a smaller number of latent dimensions that recognizes measurement error in observed variables.
* Its estimates are more likely to generalize to CFA
In most applications, both PCA and common factor analysis arrive at essentially identical results
* if the number of variables exceed 30, or
* if the communalities exceed .60 for most variables.
What are factor loadings?
Correlation of each variable and the factor.
What are communalities (h^2)?
The proportion of variance in an observed variable that is accounted for by the set of common factors
* Communality for each variable is computed by summing the squared factor loadings across all factors.
* Large communalities indicate that a large amount of the variance in a variable has been extracted by the factor solution.
* An item with communality of below .4 suggests that it does not correlate highly with one or more of the factors in the solution, hence problematic (Worthington & Whitaker, 2006, p.823)
What are eigenvalues?
The amount of variance (summed across variables) that is explained by a component/factor
* Eigenvalue for each factor is computed by summing the squared factor loadings over all variables.
* Indicates the relative importance of each factor in accounting for the variance associated with the set of variables being analyzed.
Why are the communalities under “Initial” for PCA different from those for PAF?
PCA uses the unreduced correlation matrix for analysis (i.e., does not substitute the diagonal with communality estimate)
Factor selection
What is Kaiser’s eigenvalue “greater-than-one” criterion? What is the logic behind it?
Retain only component/factor whose eigenvalue is greater than one.
Given that the maximum amount of variance that one item/variable can explain is 1, a factor must therefore account for at least as much variance as can be accounted for by a single item (hence, eigenvalue of a factor > 1 A factor with eigenvalue < 1 is not worth keeping because it accounts for less variance than a variable.
Note: This criterion should be applied to the unreduced correlation matrix, not to the reduced correlation matrix.
However, it is a poor criterion that is used by convention.
Factor selection
What is a scree plot and how is it used?
A plot of eigenvalues against the number of factors
- Decision rule: the factors whose eigenvalues are in the steep decline are retained, while those whose eigenvalues are in the gradual descent (including the eigenvalue occurring in the transition from steep to gradual descent) are dropped
- Scree plot easily produced in stats programs which used the eigenvalues in the unreduced correlation matrix.
This criterion results in an accurate determination of the number of factors most of the time.
But problem is that interpretation is subjective and the pattern may be ambiguous with no clear substantial drop present.
Factor selection
What is parallel analysis (Horn, 1965) and how is it used?
This criterion is based on comparing the eigenvalues obtained from sample (real) data to eigenvalues obtained from a completely random data (with the same number of respondents and variables).
Logic is that the eigenvalues obtained from random data are due to chance variation in the random data. Any useful components or factors found in the real data should therefore account for more variance than could be expected by chance for it to be retained.
Decision rule is therefore to retain those factors whose eigenvalues are greater than the corresponding ones based on random data.
Parallel analysis is shown to be one of the most accurate factor retention methods.
Similar to scree test, chance variation in the input correlation matrix may cause eigenvalues to fall just above or below the criterion.
Potential for PA to underfactor, especially when sample size is small, when factors are highly correlated, or when the second factor is based on a small number of variables/items.
What are some guidelines for factor selection?
Use a combination of different criteria to help determine factor selection. In situations in which procedures suggest different number of factors to be extracted, researcher should examine all possibilities by obtaining the rotated solution for each case to see which produces the most readily interpretable and theoretically sensible pattern of results.
The objective is to select the number of factors that explains the data substantially without sacrificing parsimony.
One should not fall back on statistical criterion alone. Instead, substantive and practical considerations should strongly guide the factor analytic process.
What is factor rotation?
Mathematically, factor rotation is a transformation that is performed to foster interpretability by aiming for a simple structure (Thurstone, 1947) where:
1. each factor is defined by a subset of variables that load highly on the factor; and
2. each variable (ideally) has a high loading on only one factor and a trivial loading (< ± 0.25) on the remaining factors.
Conceptually, factor rotation is akin to changing a vantage point to examine the relationship (as explained by DeVellis).