Factoids Flashcards
Random knowledge that might be helpful.
What is the distance between the Earth and the Moon?
238,900 miles [384,400 km]
What is the range of normal human hearing (Hz)?
20 - 20,000 Hz
What is the range of human color vision (nm)?
380 to 750 nanometers
What is the range of human color vision (THz)?
400-790 Terahertz (x 10^12 Hz)
What’s the wavelength of violet light (nm)?
380-450 nm (670-790 THz) {2.75-3.26 eV}
What’s the wavelength of blue light (nm)?
450-485 nm (620-670 THz) {2.56-2.75 eV}
What’s the wavelength of cyan light (nm)?
485-500 nm (600-620 THz) {2.48-2.56 eV}
What’s the wavelength of green light (nm)?
500-565 nm (530-600 THz) {2.19-2.48 eV}
What’s the wavelength of yellow light (nm)?
565-590 nm (510-530 THz) {2.10-2.19 eV}
What’s the wavelength of orange light (nm)?
590-625 nm (480-510 THz) {1.98-2.10 eV}
What’s the wavelength of red light (nm)?
625-750 nm (400-480 THz) {1.65-1.98 eV}
What is the frequency of middle C on the piano (Hz)?
C is 261.63 Hz [A440 STD]
To move up an octave, double Hz. To move down an octave, halve.
What is the frequency of middle C# on the piano (Hz)?
C# is 277.18 Hz [A440 STD]
To move up an octave, double Hz. To move down an octave, halve.
What is the frequency of middle D on the piano (Hz)?
D is 293.66 Hz [A440 STD]
To move up an octave, double Hz. To move down an octave, halve.
What is the frequency of middle D# on the piano (Hz)?
D# is 311.13 Hz [A440 STD]
To move up an octave, double Hz. To move down an octave, halve.