Facial Nerve Palsies Flashcards
what are the intracranial branches of the facial nerve?
- greater superficial petrosal (lacrimation)
- Branch to stapedius (lesions above this cause hyperacusis),
- the chorda tympani (supplies taste to anterior 2/3 of the tongue
what are the extracranial branches of the facial nerve?
(all motor fibres that branch after emerging from the stylomastoid foramen), posterior auricle nerve, branch to posterior belly digastric muscle and stylohyoid muscle. Parotid contains: temporal zygomatic, buccal, marginal mandibular, cervical
what are the different types of causes of facial nerve palsy?
what are the intracranial causes of facial nerve palsy?
brainstem, tumours, stroke, polio, MS, cerebellopontine angle lesions (acoustic neuroma, meningitis)
what are the infratemporal causes of facial nerve palsy?
otits media, ramsay hunt syndrome, cholesteatoma
what are the intertemporal causes of facial nerve palsy?
parotid tumours, trauma
what are the other causes of facial nerve palsy?
lymes disease, sarcoid, diabetes, Bell’s Palsy
what is the differentiating feature between UMN and LMN facial nerve palsy?
UMN spares the forehead
LMN affects all facial muscles
what investigations should be done for facial nerve palsy?
- ESR, glucose, lyme disease serology
- Parotid for lumps, ears for cholesatoma and ramsay hunt syndrome
- MRI – space occupying lesions, CVA, MS, temporal bone fracture