Facial nerve Flashcards
What is the special sensory of the facial nerve?
Via Chorda Tympani → Taste to Ant. 2/3rds Tongue
What is the Parasympathetic innervation of the facial nerve?
Submandibular and sublingual Salivary and Lacrimal Glands
What is the sensory innervation of the facial nerve?
Posterior Auricular Branch → External Auditory Meatus and Ear
State ALL motor branches of the facial nerve (7)
1) Branch to stapedius (in middle ear)
2) Motor branches to the posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid muscles (after exiting stylomastoid foramen)
5) terminal motor branches (T,Z,B,M,C) (inside the parotid gland)
PNS pre-ganglionic fibres from the glossopharyngeal synaps on the _______ ganglion.
Here post-ganglionic fibres hitchhike with a branch of _______ known as the _______ nerve to reach the parotid gland for salivary production
otic, V3, auriculotemporal
With what other CN does the facial nerve exit the brainstem?
Where exactly do these exit?
CN VIII (vestibulocochlear) via the internal auditory meatus at the cerebellopontine angle
PNS pre-ganglionic fibres from the facial nerve travel via the _______ nerve to synaps on the _______ ganglion.
Here post-ganglionic fibres travel directly to lacrimal gland and glands of _______ and _______ to stimulate tears and _______ production
greater petrosal, pterygopalatine, nose, palate, mucus
PNS pre-ganglionic fibres from the facial nerve travel via the _______ nerve (hitchikes with lingual nerve- V3) to synaps onto the _______ ganglion.
Here post-ganglionic fibres travel directly to _______ and _______ glands to stimulate salivary production
chorda tympani, submandibular, sublingual
What 2 ganglion are associated with the facial nerve?
Pterygopalatine ganglion: supplies lacrimal, nasal and mucous glands
Submandibular ganglion: supplies salivary glands
Sensory and motor fibers of CN VII travel through the _______, then enter the facial canal.
Here it turns sharply at the _______ where pre-ganglionic PNS fibres leave for the _______ via the _______ nerve
CN VII continues into the middle ear within the facial canal where it gives off the nerve to _______ (M) and _______ (SS) nerve
The main nerve then exits skull via the _______
IAM, geniculate ganglion (bulge in middle ear), lacrimal gland, greater petrosal, stapedius, chorda tympani, stylomastoid foramen
What are the 3 branches of the facial nerve given of in the middle ear?
1) Greater Petrosal Nerve (PNS)
2) Nerve to Stapedius (M)
3) Chorda Tympani (SS)
What nerve does the Chorda Tympani join with, and where do these travel to?
The lingual nerve (branch of V3)
Togther these travel to the tongue where the:
- lingual nerve provides general sensation to ant 2/3rds
- chorda tympani provides taste to the ant 2/3rds
Where exactly in the middle ear is the chorda tympni given off?
Between Incus and Malleus
What are the PNS fibres that supply the salivary glands termed?
Secretomotor fibres
How do the PNS fibres of the facial nerve reach the sublingual and submandibular gland?
1) preganglionic fibres travel via chorda tympani AND hitchhikes with lingual nerve (V3)
2) synaps onto submandibular ganglion
3) post-ganglionic fibres travel to submandibular and sublingual glands top stimulate salivation