Facial Muscles Flashcards
N: Facial Nerve (CN VII)
A: Elevates eyebrows and forehead
*muscle of facial expression
Orbicularis Oculi
N: Facial nerve (CN VII)
A: Closes eyelids, brings eyelids together
NOTE: Palpebral part gently closes, orbital part tightly closes and lacrimal part helps spread lacrimal secretions.
*muscle of facial expression
Orbicularis Oris
N:Facial Nerve (CN VII) buccal branches
A: Compresses and protrudes lips
NOTE: Is an oral sphincter
*muscle of facial expression
Levator Labii Superioris
N: Facial Nerve (CN VII) buccal branches
A: Elevates lip, dilates nostril, raises angle of mouth.
*muscle of facial expression
N: Facial Nerve (CN VII)
A: Presses cheek against molars, keeps cheek taut, aids in chewing, prevents injury to teeth, expels air from oral cavity
NOTE: pierced by parotid duct, deep surface lined by mucous membrane of the mouth
*muscle of facial expression
Depressor Anguli Oris
N: Facial Nerve (CN VII) buccal and mandibular branches
A: Draws the angle of the mouth laterally and inferiorly
*muscle of facial expression
Depressor Labii Inferioris
N: Facial Nerve (CN VII) mandibular branch
A: Depresses, lowers lower lip.
*muscle of facial expression
Zygomaticus Major
N: Facial Nerve (CN VII) buccal branches
A: Draws angle of the mouth superiorly and laterally (ex: smiling and laughing)
*muscle of facial expression
N: Facial Nerve (CN VII)
A: Draws angle of the mouth laterally
NOTE: Thin wispy muscle, may be absent in some individuals
*muscle of facial expression
Levator Palpeerde Superioris
N: Oculomotor Nerve (CN III)
A: Raises the upper eyelid
*muscle of facial expression
A: Elevates and retracts the mandible
N: motor fibers from mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V)
A: Powerful jaw muscle associated w/ masseter, med. and lat. pterygoid muscles
N: mandibular nerve of Trigeminal nerve (CN V)
A: Elevtes mandible (closes mouth) and retracts mandible
N: Facial Nerve (CN VII)
A: Elevates and protrudes lower lip, pulls skin of chin up (pouting)
N: Facial Nerve (CN VII)
A: Draws outer part of lower lip inferiorly and posteriorly (pout), depresses mandible.