Facial Muscles Flashcards
Position and action of the frontalis
Position: forehead
Action: raises the eyebrows
Position and action of the corrugator
Position: eyebrows
Action: draws the eyebrow together
Position and action of the procerus
Position: bridge of nose
Action: wrinkles the skin on the nose
Position and action of Occipito- frontalis
Position: back of the head to front of the head
Action: pulls head back and fourth
Position and action of nasalis
Position: nostrils
Action: controls movement of the nostrils
Position and action of temporalis
Position: temple region
Action: raises lower jaw
Can feel it when chewing
Position and action of masseter
Position: side of the cheek
Action: mastication (chewing)
Position and action of orbicularis occuli
Position: around the eye
Action: controls eyelid movement
Position and actions of orbicularis oris
Position: around the lips
Action: controls lip movement
Positions and actions of the zygomaticus
Positions: across the cheek
actions: lift the corner of the lips
Positions and actions of risorius
Positions: either side of the mouth
Actions: grinning
Positions and actions of the buccinator
Positions: across the cheeks
Actions: compress the cheeks
Positions and actions of the mentalis
Positions: middle of chin
Actions: raise and protudes lower lip
Positions and actions of platysma
Positions: front of neck
actions: pulls lower jaw down
Positions and actions of triangularis
Positions: corner of the lower lip extends over the chin
Actions: pulls the corners of the chin down
Positions and actions of occipitalis
Position: back of skull
actions: helps to move skull back
Positions in actions of quadratus labiisuperiois
Positions: runs upwards from upper lip in for separate groups
actions; lift upper lip and helps open the mouth
Positions and actions of depressor Labiiinferioris
Positions: radiates from lower lip
actions: depresses the lower lip and pushes lower lip down and up
Position and actions of sterno cleido mastoid
Position: side of neck
Actions: move head side to side
Positions and actions of pectoralis major
Positions: chest muscle
Action: adducts arms ( towards the body) 
Positions and actions of deltoid
Position caps the shoulder
Action abducts arms away from body
Positions and actions of trapezius
Positions upper back
Actions pause the scapula back and pulls the head back
What is uni-nucleated
Having a single nucleus
What is multi nucleated
Having two or more nuclei