Face and Nose Development Flashcards
Where are neural crest cells initially found?
Neural crest cells are initially formed during the creation of the neural tube. As the ectoderm invaginated, ridges form above the neural tube where the 2 edges of ectoderm meet. The peak of these ridges is where the neural crest cells are first found
Name 4 main facial features that must develop in the fetus.
Philtrum, Nares, Oral fissure, Palpbral fissures (eye sockets)
What is the stomatodeum?
A depression in the middle of the future face that will become the future mouth. 5 prominences form around it.
Name the 5 prominences that form around the stomatodeum.
Frontonasal prominence (FNP), maxillary prominences (2), mandibular prominences (2)
What parts of the face are derived from the FNP?
Forehead, bridge of the nose, nose, philtrum
What parts of the face are derived from i) the maxillary ii) the mandibular prominences?
i) maxillary: cheeks, lateral lip and upper jaw
ii) mandibular: lower lip and jaw
What is a placode?
A thickened area of ectoderm
Describe in 3 steps the formation of the nose from the nasal prominences.
1) the maxillary prominences start to grow, pushing the nasal provinces closer together
2) the maxillary prominences fuse with the medial nasal prominences
3) the medial nasal prominences fuse together at the midline
What 3 things comprise the intermaxillary segment?
Philtrum, primary palate, the upper jaw (4 incisors)
Describe the origin, growth and outcome of the palatal shelves.
The palatal shelves grow vertically down from the maxillary prominences towards the growing tongue
The mandible then grows allowing the tongue to drop and creating space for the shelves to grow
The shelves then grow horizontally towards the midline and fuse, forming the roof of your mouth and a ridge that can still be felt down the centre
Where are the:
i) primary palate and philtrum
ii) secondary palate derived?
i) nasal prominences
ii) maxillary prominences
Describe the difference between why a lateral cleft lip, and a cleft lip and palate occur.
A lateral cleft lip occurs due to the failure of fusion between the medial nasal prominence and the maxillary nasal prominence
A cleft lip and palate is this plus failure of fusion of the palatal shelves along the midline
What are optic placodes and what do they go on to form?
Optic placodes are thickened ectoderm that are pushed from underneath by out pocketing of the forebrain during the formation of the eyes. They go onto form the lens of the eye:
1) forebrain out pockets, pushing up on the otic placodes
2) the placode ectoderm invaginated, then pinch off and sit in the centre of the forebrain out pocketings
What tissues are the i) retina ii) lens derived from?
i) retina: forebrain
ii) lens: optic placodes (ectoderm)
Growth of what moves the eyes from the side of the head to a binocular vision position?
Growth of the facial prominences
In the external development where are the external auditory meatus, and auricle derived from individually?
i) external auditory meatus grows from the 1st pharyngeal arch
ii) auricle grows from the 1st and 2nd PAs
Where is the initial position of the ear, why is this, and how does it move?
The initial position of the ear is on the neck due to it growing from the 1st pharyngeal arch
It ascends to be in line with the eyes due to the growth of the mandible
Briefly describe the formation of the inner ear tubes.
Otic placodes on the ectoderm sink forming the auditory vessels
In fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) what are the 3 common facial feature alterations?
Smooth philtrum, thin upper lip, small eye openings
What cells are particularly sensitive to alcohol levels in the developing fetus?
Neural crest cells