FA 201 Exam 1 Flashcards
What is the order of the prehistoric periods?
Stone Age, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age
What is Post and Lintel?
It is a roof with horizontal columns lifting it up
What is Wattle and Daub?
It is a type of construction that is a triangle shaped house with woven lattice
What is a corbeled arch?
An archway where the bricks stay lied down on the same side they do not move from that side
What is a henge?
A monument that consists of a circle of stone or wooden uprights.
What is a groin vault?
A groin vault is the intersection at right angles of two barrel vaults. The word “groin” refers to the edge between the intersecting vaults. Sometimes the arches of groin vaults are pointed instead of round.
What is the Lascaux cave and what art is inside?
A cave in France that contains the hall of bulls
What is the of Venus of Willendorf?
A voluptuous figure of a lady from the early paleolithic period
What is Stonehenge?
A megalithic structure that acted like a sundial.
What is idealism?
More imaginative with perfection in mind (not making art exactly built off of a body as it’s NOT naturalistic)
What is verism?
A style of portraiture that attempts to depict a true likeness of an individual. A practice that’s probably from the Romans
What is portraiture?
The portrait as a record of an individual’s personal appearance
What is a ziggurat?
A building with the purpose to get the temple closer to the heavens, and provide access from the ground to it via steps
What is cella?
The body of a temple in which the image of the deity is housed.
What is a cylinder seal?
The seals were cylinders that impressed on tablets or tablet cases to seal impressions served to identify the authority responsible for what was written in the documents