F9- Not-for-Profit Acct Flashcards
Which financial statements are required for not - for - profit organizations?
Statement of Financial Position
Statement of Activities
Statement of Cash Flows
Statement of Functional Expense (Volunteer Health Organizations Only)
What are the major classifications found on a Statement of Financial Position?
- Assets
- Liabilities
- Net Assets
- Unrestricted Assets
- Permanently Restricted Assets
- Temporarily Restricted Assets
What are the major classifications in a Statement of Activities?
Similar to an Income Statement - organization - wide:
Expenses - ONLY deducted from Unrestricted Revenues
Gains and Losses
Changes in Net Asset classes
Permanently Restricted
Temporarily Restricted
What are the characteristics of a Statement of Cash Flows for not - for - profits? What are the major classifications?
Both direct and indirect methods are OK
Operating Activities :
- Unrestricted Revenues and Unrestricted Expenses
Investing Activities
Financing Activities - Endowments and restricted contributions
Which organizations are required to present a Statement of Functional Expenses?
Volunteer Health Organizations & Welfare organizations
Optional for all other NFP Organizations
Which statements are required for non - governmental hospitals?
Balance Sheet
Statement of Operations
Statement of Changes in Net Assets
Statement of Cash Flows
Financial Statement Notes
Which basis of accounting is used for revenues and net assets?
Accrual basis of accounting is used
Only external parties can restrict the use of assets (permanent or temporary)
Assets earmarked internally by management are still classified as unrestricted
What are the characteristics of unrestricted assets or revenue?
No restrictions or conditions placed on entity in order to use the resources
Note: assets earmarked internally by management are still unrestricted
When are revenues on contributions recognized?
- Revenues on contributions are recognized in the year received
- Not the year the contribution is spent and are recorded at Fair Value on the date received
When are services rendered considered contributions?
If the organization would have otherwise paid for them
They increase the value of a non - monetary asset
Is hospital charity care revenue?
It is disclosed in the notes to the financial statements only.
How are Unconditional Pledges/Promises to contribute recorded?
- Classified as revenue in the current year only
- Multi - year future contributions fall under Temporarily Restricted.
Recorded at its FV when promise is made
Which revenues are expenses deducted from?
- Expenses ONLY deducted from Unrestricted
- Revenues - not Temporary or Permanently
- Restricted Revenues/Assets
What are the characteristics of temporarily restricted assets/revenue?
- Use is restricted to a future time - which could then convert to unrestricted
- Class: Temp. Restricted Revenue
Unrestricted contributions promised (including multi - year contributions)
- But not yet received are actually restricted by time and are therefore classified as Temporarily Restricted Assets
What are the characteristics of an endowment?
Use of investment is restricted - but income from investment could be either restricted or unrestricted
Must be under control of receiving entity (Quasi Endowment) in order to be recorded in unrestricted net assets
Otherwise - a memo entry is recorded
When is the donation of an art collection recognized as a contribution or asset?
Not recognized as assets or contribution revenue if they are held of display or education’ or their sale results in the purchase of similar items
When both Temporarily Restricted Assets and Unrestricted Assets are available for use - which assets are used first?
Temporarily restricted assets are used before Unrestricted assets.
How is a refundable advance recorded by a not for profit?
Classified as a Liability
Promise to contribute assets pending on certain conditions being met
Becomes unconditional once the possibility that it won’t happen is remote
How are investments recorded and valued in not - for - profit accounting?
Fair Value is mostly used
Exception: Equity method used when significant influence exists
How are scholarships recorded?
As a reduction of revenue - netted against college’s tuition
How is depreciation expense recorded by a not - for - profit?
Depreciation expense is allocated proportionately to various functions
How is donated property recorded by the donee?
Recorded at Fair Value + costs associated with getting the property into working condition for its designed purpose
Exam Tip - Think of a charity holding afair and then donating the property which is then recorded atfair value
How is donation of property recorded by the donor?
Recorded at Fair Value of asset given up.
Gain or Loss is recorded.
When a Donor Restriction is satisfied:
- A reclassification is reported on the Statement of Activities
- Items that simultaneously increase one net asset class & decrease another
Combined Costs: Fundraising
[Exp. in St. of Activities]
- NFP Organizations that combine fund-raising efforts with educational (or Programs) services should allocate the combined cost betwn functions.
Net Assets from Restrictions in a St. of Activities
- Satisfaction of Program restrictions
- Satisfaction of Equipment acquisition restrictions
- Expiration of Time restrictions
Operating Activities Includes?
[St. of Cash Flows]
- Receipts of Unrestricted Resources designated by the governing body to be used for long-lived assets
Financing Activities: Proceeds from Restricted Contributions
[St. of CF]
Cash Received:
- Donor-imposed restrictions limiting its use to long-term purposes.
Other Financing Activities:
- Receipts of Dividends & Interest restricted to reinvestment.
Investing Activities Includes?
[St. of Cash Flows]
- Investment in Equipment
- Proceeds from the sale of assets that were received in prior periods
- Whose sale proceeds were restricted to investment in equipment.
Cash & Cash Equivalents: Exclusions
- Donor-restricted securities that may otherwise meet the cash equivalent definition in commercial accounting.
Conditional Promises
- A transaction that depends on an occurrence of a future & uncertain event.
- Recognition doesn’t occur until the conditions are substantially met.
Multi-Year Pledges: PV of Future collections are considered?
- Temporarily Restricted Revenues
& - Net assets
Split Interest Agreements: Recognized Assets & Liabilities
- Should be Disclosed Separately from other Assets & Liab. in the St. of Fin. Position
Donated Services
Contributions are Recognized ‘SOME’ of the time:
- Specialized skills are req. & possessed by the donor
- Otherwise needed by the organization
- Measurable
- Easily (at FV)
Donated Collection Items NOT required to be recorded if all requirements are met:
- Item is part of a collection, held for public viewing, exhibition, etc.
& - Collection is cared for, preserved & protected by the organization
& - Organization has a policy that Req. any proceeds from the sale of donated items to be reinvested in other collection items.
Gifts In-Kind
- Donated as part of a fund-raising appeal are valued at FV, when received & revalued upon their sale in part of the Fundraising
- The Difference between is accounted for as an additional contribution
Exchange Transactions: Cost of premiums given to potential donors as part of a Fund-raising appeal is classified as?
- A Fundraising Expense
Investment in Securities: FAIR VALUE
- All debt securities & those equity securities that have readily determinable FV are measured at FV in the St. of Fin. Position
Investment in Securities: GAINS/LOSSES
- Realized & Unrealized
- Reported in the St. of Activities
- Allocate pooled investments G/L equitably
Market Losses on Permanently Restricted Net Assets
- Losses first go to reduce Temporarily Restricted Net Assets to the extent that previously recogn. gains
- That have not been earned or used in Temp. Restricted.
Rev. & Gains from Perm. Restricted Net Assets
- Identified for specific uses by the donor
& - Classified as Temporarily restricted.
Colleges: Revenues
- All increases in Unrestricted Net Assets & ALL Restricted resources that were actually Expended during the period.
- Student Tuition & Fees:
~ Reported at Gross Amount
~ Expenditures: Tuition, Scholarships
Patient Service Revenue
- Should be accounted for on the accrual basis at established standard rates
- Even if the full amt. is not expected to be collected.
- Central Transactions include Medical services:
Doctors, surgery, recovery room, room & Board.
Patient Service Revenue: Deductions
Although, P.S.Rev is accounted for on Gross basis:
- Deductions are made from Gross Rev. to report patient service rev. net of deductions
- Uncompensated Services:
~Contractual adjustments for 3rd party payments
Patient Service: Central Transactions
- Medical services includes:
- Doctors
- Surgery
- Recovery room
- Room & Board.
Charity Care
- Is not recorded as a Receivable or as Revenue
Health Care Organizations: Other Operating Revenues
- Tuition from schools
- Revenues from educational programs
- Donated supplies & Equipment
- Specific purpose Grants
- Rev from auxiliary activities
- Medical Transcription Fees
- Cafeteria Rev., Parking Fees, Gift Shop Rev.
Health Care Organizations: Non-Operating Revenues
- Unrestricted Interest & Dividend Inc. from Investment Activities
- Donated Services
Income in Direct Method in Operating Activities Includes?
~Program Inc
~Interest Inc.
~Dividend Inc
Proceeds from Restricted Contributions: Cash Disbursements
- For either Temp. investments or the purpose for which they were intended as classified as Investing Activity.
Split Interest Agreements: Values of Contribution Rev. & Changes
- Should be Disclosed in separate line items in the St. of Activities
Multi-Year Pledges: The difference betwn the previously recorded PV & the Current amount collected is considered?
Contribution Revenue
[NOT interest income]
Exchange Transactions: The Difference betwn FV of dues or other purchases & the Amt. transferred is classified?
- As a Contribution
What would be included in ‘Other Operating Revenue of a Hospital?
- Rev. from Educational Programs
Colleges record Revenues from tuition & fees are reported at what amount?
- Gross Amount
- Only Refunds are netted against Rev.
- Scholarships & Tuition Remissions are shown separately as Exp.
At what amount should a Donee report Marketable Equity Sec. in its Yr-End B/S
- The Market Value at the Balance Sheet Date
What activity in the St. of Cash Flows should a Contribution for construction of new buildings be reported in?
- Financing Activities
What should be included in Total Expenses?
- Depreciation
& - Grants to other organizations
What should be classified in the St. of Functional Expenses for Support Services?
- Salaries of fundraisers for funds used in research
How should an NFP, report a donor-restricted cash contributions for long-term purposes in its St. of Cash Flows?
- Financing activity Inflow
A NFP, received a Contribution in Yr.1, Donor Restricted use until Yr. 2. How should Donee record the Contribution?
- Report as Income in Year 1
- Classify as Temporarily restricted until Time period for restriction has passed
A NFP is financially interrelated with a Beneficiary organization, Receipts of the NFP would be disclosed in the F/S of Beneficiary’s as?
- An Equity transaction on the Statement of Activities
A NFP would display proceeds from the sale of a Art that was previously donated, & to purchase additional Art for display in what Activity in Cash Flows?
- Investing Activities
A NFP received funds from another NFP, how should these funds be recorded?
- Increase in Assets & Liabilities