F9 Flashcards
what do you report as the change in net position for governmental activities? if given IS accts and/or changes in fund balance?
G-change in Governmental fund balance
O-Other financing sources (borrowings)
E-Expenditure-capital outlay (net of depr exp)
S-service (internal) fund net income
government-wide financial statements focus the reader on accountability in which way(s)?
Operational accountability
Takes economic view that reports on the long-term efficient & effective use of resources. Are we financially sound(BS)? operating effectively (IS)? pg3
what are the 3 parts reporting requirements of GASB 34 for governmental financial reporting?
1- MDandA - mgmt discussion and analysis
2- Basic Financial stmts (gov-wide FS, Fund FS, and notes to FS)
3- required supplementary info
Certain budgetary schedules are required supplementary info. what is the minimum bedgetary info required to be reported?
The original budget, the final appropriations budget, actual inflows and outflows, and balances on a budgetary basis. (note- presentations of variances are OPTIONAL).
fund financial statements focus the reader on accountability in which way(s)?
Fiscal accountability
Are we using the money for specifically what we said it should be used for?
Takes short-term view that focuses the reader on compliance & current year performance.
For NFP’s, how is the contribution revenue determined?
amount transferred/contributed - FV of purchases =contrib rev
NFP received $50,000. In return gave donor 25 tickets @100 (2,500). so contribution rev= 50,000-2,500 = 47,500 contrib rev pg.59
when are the following contributions to NFP’s recognized?
- cash
- unconditional promises
- conditional promises
- cash - recognized when received
- unconditional promises - recognized when promis is made.
- conditional promises - when earned; the conditions are substantially met
NFP orgs are considered financially interrelated orgs if one of the orgs:
is able to influence the operating & financial decisions of the other
AND (both)
has an ongoing economic interes in the net assets of the other