F8_governmental accounting Flashcards
the purpose of fund accounting
fund accounting enables service and mission-drive organizations to easily monitor and report compliance with:
- spending purpses (fund restrictions)
- spending limits (budget)
and other fiscal accountability objectives.
separate fund financial statements for governmental and proprietary funds
is to report additional and detailed information about the primary government.
- governmental funds
- modified accrual accounting
- current financial resources measurement focus
(GRaSPP) General fund Special Revenue Fund and Debt Service Fund Capital Project Funds Permanent Funds
Requirements _ 1. balance sheet - Financial position 2. cash flow - current financial resources
- Propritary Fund
- full accrual accounting
- economic resources measurement focus
Internal service funds
Enterprise funds
- Fiduciary Funds
- full accrual accounting
- economic resource measurement focus
(PAPI) Pension funds Agency funds Private funds Investment trust funds
which of the following characteristics of service effort and accomplishments is the most difficult to report for a governmental entity?
relevance - meaning the information must bear a logical relationship with the needs for its purpose. It must also be reliable. it is the most difficult characteristic to achieve.
the dual objectives of governmental and not-for-profit reporting
- operational accountability
2. fiscal accountability
classification of governmental fund balances (GRaSPP)
- non-spendable fund balance
- restricted fund balance - external: legislation, grantor, or creditor requirements must be satisfied.
- committed fund balance - Internal - highest governing authority establishes limits.
- Assigned: Internal - Intention without formal commitment
- Unassigned: no constraint as to use
bond premium and discount on governmental funds
bonds premium and discount is not amortized in its governmental funds, including the debt service fund. the bond premium and discount is usually recorded in the fund receiving the proceeds. if the premium is to be used for debt service, as is often the case, the premium is accounted for in the debt service fund.
governmental find - statement of revenues, expenditures, and change in fund balance - other financing sources
other financing sources = transfer between funds and bond proceeds
fixed asserts valuation, donated
at estimated fair value when received
Derived (non-exchange) tax revenues
it represent taxes imposed on or derived from exchange transactions such as commercial sales (Sales taxes).
Imposed non-exchange revenues
include property taxes and fines
revenue and other financing sources
revenue - property taxes, licenses, and fines, intergovernmental revenues
financing sources - proceeds of debt issue, interfund transfers for debt service
outstanding encumbrance
the encumbrances outstanding at year-end are the order that have not received yet.