F8: NFP Accounting and Governmental Accounting: Part 1 Flashcards
Unconditional Promises (Pledge)
is a contribution and is recorded at its fair value when the promise is made.
Conditional Promises (Pledge)
is a transaction that depends on an occurrence of a future and uncertain even. Recognition does not occur until the conditions are substantially met.
Multiyear Pledges
are recorded at the net present value at the date the pledge is made. Future collections are considered donor-restricted revenues and net assets. (time restricted).
Donated Service recognized some of the time
Specialized skills are required
Otherwise needed by the organization
Easily (at Fair Value)
Governmental Funds (Fund Types GRSPP)
G - General Fund
R - Special Revenue Funds
S - Debt Services Funds
P - Capital Projects Funds
P - Permanent Funds
Keep in mind that these are Modified Accrual
Addl notes:
Modified Accrual Current financial resources measurement focus
Proprietary Funds (Fund Types SE)
I - Internal Service Funds
E - Enterprise Funds
These are Full Accrual Basis
Addl notes:
Accrual accounting, record non-current assets and liabilities,** E**conomic resources measurement focus.
Fiduciary (Trust) Funds (Fund Types CIPPOE)
C - Custodial Funds
I - Investment Trust Funds
P - Private Purpose Trust Funds
POE - Pension (and Other Employee Benefits)
Full Accrual Basis
These are considered Government-wide
Encumbrance accounting is used to record purchase order and is designed to monitor spending for increased budgetary control.
Estimated expenditure. Appropriations is the budgetary account that is credited at the beginning of the year.
Budgetary Accounting Journal Entries (beginning of year)
Dr. Estimated Revenue Control (recorded budget)
Dr. Budgetary control (negative/deficit)
Cr. Appropriations control (approved spending)
Cr. Budgetary control (positive/surplus) (over appropriation control)
Book (BAE-BAE)
Budgetary Accounting Journal Entries (end of year)
Dr. Appropriations
Dr Budgetary control (positive)
Cr. Estimated revenue control
Cr. Budgetary control (negative)
The JE at period end to reverse the budget is always for the same dollar
Close (BAE-BAE)
Budget, Activity and Encumbrances
Remember what you book for, close for the same amount.
Contingency requirements
Are unique to voluntary non-exchange transactions.