F8-Governmental Flashcards
What is the difference between the economic resources measurement focus and the financial resources measurement focus?
economic resources (accrual) and financial resources (modified accrual) financial position and changes in financial position
Which funds use the economic measurement (accrual basis) or the financial position (modified accrual) basis?
economic->proprietary and fiduciary funds
financial-> government funds
What is the measurement focus of governmental fund accounting?
measuring the flow of current financial resources and the resulting financial position (source, use and balances)
What is the measurement focus of proprietary and fiduciary accounting?
Capital maintenance, cash flows and income determination
What are the classifications in the governmental funds?
N-onspendable U-nassigned C-ommitted A-ssigned R-estricted
When are governmental funds recorded?
When they are available and measurable, and includes funds received less than 60 days after the close of the fiscal year.
How is the bond premium or discount amortized for gov’t funds?
It isn’t, the full discount/premium is recorded in the debt service fund or other fund that is using the bond.
When are principal and interest recorded for LT Debt?
When they are due and payable, not when they are incurred.
What is the net position for proprietary and fiduciary funds?
R-estricted for debt services
N-et investment in capital assets