F7 Flashcards
Do goods purchased (inventory) in a currency different to the functional currency need to be retranslated at the reporting date?
No. Inventory is a non-monetary item and non-monetary items are not re-translated at the reporting date.
Where is the taxation on the revaluation of PPE recognised?
The gain on revaluation of PPE is recognised through other comprehensive income and the associated tax is also recognised through other comprehensive.
How are variable overheads allocated to an item of inventory?
Variable overheads are allocated based on the actual level of production.
How are fixed overheads allocated to the cost of an item of inventory?
Fixed overheads are allocated on the basis of normal/budgeted capacity. This is the capacity that is expected to be achieved based on the average over several years.
What are the elements of financial statements ?
What is an Asset and Liability ?
-present economic resource
-past events
-present obligation
-Transfer an economic resource
-past event
What is Equity , Income and Expense?
Equity: Residual interest in assets less liabilities
Income: -Increase in assets
- reduction in liability
Expense: - reduction in asset
What are the tangible non current assets
Plant property and equipment
Borrowing costs
Government grants
Investment property
Define an Asset
a present economic resource controlled by an entity as a result of past events.
an economic resource is a right that has the potential to produce economic benefits
What is the fulfilment value
this is the present value of the amount of cash of other economic resources that the entity expects to be obligated to transfer to settle the liability
How is a lease incentive accounted for within the financial statements?
A lease incentive is deducted from the initial measurement of the asset.
Over what period of time should a right-of-use asset be depreciated?
A right-of-use asset is depreciated over the shorter of the lease term and the useful life of the asset
What are the limitations of financial statements?
*Historic (prepared to a specific date and published after the reporting date)
*Standardised format
*Limited narrative information
*Based on estimates and judgements
*Different accounting policies limiting comparison on a company y company basis
When is a deferred tax liability recognised?
A deferred tax liability it recongised when the carrying value is greater than the tax base.
How is the income tax expense figure calculated on the statement of profit or loss?
Current year tax estimate
Prior year under/over provision
Movement in deferred tax balance
What figure is shown under current liabilities for tax payable on the statement of financial position?
The tax payable figure is the estimate of tax at the reporting date.
How are biological assets measured?
Biological assets are measured at fair value less costs to sell.
What is a biological asset?
A biological asset is a living plant or animal.
What exchange rate is used to translate monetary assets/liabilities at the reporting date
Monetary assets/liabilities are translated at the reporting date using the closing rate.
Where are gains and losses on translation of a monetary item at the reporting date recognised.
Gains/losses on translation of a monetary item are recognised through profit or loss.
When can an entity measure a financial asset using amortised cost?
A financial asset can be measured at amortised cost when it fulfills BOTH the business model test and cash flow characteristics test.
How are financial liabilities initially measured?
Financial liabilities are initially measured at fair value LESS transaction costs.
How are financial assets initially measured
Financial assets are initially measured at fair value PLUS transaction costs, unless held at FVTPL(fair value through profit and loss) where they are recognised immediately through profit or loss.
How are financial assets classified?
Fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL)
Fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI)
Amortised cost
How is the initial liability calculated in a convertible debt instrument?
The liability is calculated as the present value of the future cash flows, assuming that the debt is a 100% debt instrument, i.e. no conversion option. The cash flows are the annual coupon payments plus the redemption amount. These are then discounted at the rate of interest on similar debt without the conversion option.
How should a company account for a government grant?
Recognise in the P&L over the period in which the related expenditure is recognised.
What is the formula for EPS?
Profit for the year attributable to the ordinary sharehokders (i.e. and after NCI)
divided by:
Weighted average number of equity shares
multiplied by 100
What are the five stages of the revenue recognition model?
Identify the contract.
Identify the performance obligations.
Determine the price.
Allocate the price to the performance obligations.
Recognise revenue as performance obligations are satisfied.
What is the accounting for negative goodwill?
Negative goodwill should be credited to the P&L immediately.
Should you depreciate PPE and investment properties if held at FV?
PPE – yes
Investment properties – no
Define Functional Currency.
Currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates.
What are the 6 qualitative characteristics of financial information?
Faithful representation
Is an increase in the value of closing inventory, when compared with the previous year’s value, added to the financing section of a Statement of Cash Flows, or is it deducted?
Neither! The figure for an increase in the value of closing inventory when compared with the previous year’s figure is not shown in the financing activities section of a Statement of Cash Flows. The figure would be deducted within the operating activities section