F4 Solids and gases Flashcards
structures of solids
molecular structures
covalent network structures
ionic compounds
ex. of covalent network structures
diamond, graphite, buckministerfullerene
Allotropy, allotropes
Different forms of the same element
Different crystal structures of the same compound
Compounds formed between metallic and non-metallic elements. Ex.: porcelain, cement, bricks
(Al 2Si2O5(OH)4)
• Covalent network structures
• Often ions enclosed in the network
• Crystalline materials with hardness, wear-resistance,
brittleness, electrical & thermal insulators
Sand = quartz (SiO2) => Made amorphous when melted and
cooled rapidly -> Glass. Amorphous solid = no long-range order
=> liquid-like structure
• Addition of a second oxide can improve some
properties of the glass
– NaCO3 tougher (bottles, windows)
– H3BO3 low thermal expansion
(-> laboratory equipment, e.g. Pyrex)
close packing of spheres
cubic close packing (ABCABC…)
hexagonal close packing (ABAB…)
Coordination number:
Number of closest neighbors
packing efficiency
packing efficiency = Volume atoms / Volume unit cell x 100 (in %)
Cell projection diagrams
A 2D representation of the unit cell, projection down the z-axis
plane indices: z=0 bottom, z=1 top
What happens with the empty space in the close packed structures, ≈26%?
→ Octahedral and tetrahedral sites (interstitial sites)
Occupied by ions in many ionic compounds
Metals loose their … relatively easy
-> Metals are good …
valence electrons
electrical conductors
metal bonding - band theory
Filled valence band: Insulator or semiconductor
A partially filled valence band gives electrical conductivity
conductor - very small band gap
semiconductor - small band gap
insulator - large band gap
Ionic compounds
Cations and anions held together by …
electrostatic force
predicting bond type
large difference in electronegativity -> …
electronegativities are both high -> …
electronegativities are both low -> …
ionic bond
covalent bond
alloy (legering)
Characteristic for gases:
- Highly mobile
- Flow from high to low pressure
- Mix easily with other gases
- Gas molecules interact only weakly with each other
Effusion: Passage of gas molecules through a membrane (barrier) Graham’s law
Diffusion: Mixing of two gases that come into contact Due to collisions mixing takes some time
Real gases
Real gases do not perfectly follow the ideal gas law because molecules do partially interact
The intermolecular (attractive) interactions hold molecules back and so the real pressure is lower than that used for the model
Boyle’s law
Pressure is inversely proportional to the volume
constant T, n
Charle’s law
Volume is directly proportional to the temperature
constant p, n
Avogadro’s law
Volume is directly proportional to the amount (moles) of gas
constant T, p