F3 notes 2 Flashcards
Total Shareholder Return
(dividend in the period + share price movement in the period) / share price at the start of the period
3 E’s
Economy; efficiency; effectiveness
Non-financial objectives
stakeholder relationship; intellectual; human; socual; environmental / natural
Important economic factors
interest rates; inflation; exchange rates
S1 = S0 x (1 + r var)/(1+r base)
F0 = S0 x (1+ r var)/(1+r base)
Expectation theory
current forward rate (F0) is an unbiased predictor of the future spot rate (S1)
International risks
currency; cultural; goods in transit; credit; economic
Return on equity
Profit after tax and pref dividends / (ordinary SC + Reserves)
Asset turnover
Revenue / TALCL
alternative ROCE
Operating profit margin x asset turnvoer
EBITDA benefits
fair measue if no control over financing or capex; roughly approxinates to operating cash flow; better underlying profit figure for comparison where there is high intangible content to asset base
Current ration
current assets / current liabilities
Quick / acid ration
(current assets - inventories)/current liabilities
Inventory turnover
Cost of Sales / inventories
Inventory days
Inventory / CoS * 365
Receivables collection period
Trade receivables / Credit Turnover * 365
Payables payment period
Trade payables / Credit purchases or CoS * 365
Debt to equity ratio
Long term debt / Equity *100
Debt to (equity + debt)
Long term debt / (Equity + long term debt)*100
Interest Cover
PBIT / Interest Payable
Debt Ratio
Long term debt / total assets
Earning per share (EPS)
Profit available to ordinary shareholders / no of shares
Divident yield
Divend per share / market share price * 100
Dividend payout ratio
Dividend per share / earning per share
Dividend cover
EPS / Dividend per share * 100
P/E ratio
Share price / EPS or Market Cap / PAT
Earning yield
EPS / Share price or PAT / Market Cap
GRI principles for content
stakeholder inclusiveness; sustainability; materiality; completeness
GRI principles for report quality
balance; comparability; accuracy; timeliness; clarity; reliability
GRI disclosues
Standard (strategy and analysis; organisational profile; identified material aspects and boundaries; stakeholder engagement; report profile; governance; ethics and integrity); specific standard disclosures (management approach; indicatiors - economic; environmental; social)
Benefits of environmental reporting
commitment to issues; reduces corporate risk; improved profitability; employee morale
Arguments against voluntary disclosure of env info
lack of comparibility; lack of reliability; only present positives; bias; info overload
Integrated Reporting
explain how businesses create value over time and links strategy and fin perf to scoail; env and economic environmetn
Integrated reporting captials
financial; manufactured; intellectual; human; social and relationship; natural
Integrated reporting principles
strategic focus and future orientation; connectivity of information; stakeholder responsiveness; materiality; conciseness; reliability and completeness; consistency and comparability
Content of integrated reports
organisational overview and external environment; governance structure and value creation; business model; impact of opportunites and risks upon value creation; strategy and resource allocation; performance; outlook; basis of prepartaion and presentation
Financial Decision Areas
investment; financing and dividend
Motives for holding cash
Transaction; precationary; speculative
Agency problem
directors not knowly focused on maximising shareholder wealth
internal - stakeholder; agency issues; funding issues; stratefic factors. External - funding; regulatory; government; taxation; economic; investor relations
Financual instruments: disclosures
Financial instruments
method of managing risk by using a hedged instrument such that any gains or losses that are made on the hedging instrument will offset any gains or losses on an underlying transaction or hedged item
Hedged item
asset; liability; firm commitment; highly probably forecast transaction; or net investment in a foreign operation that exposes the entity to risk of changes in fair values or future cash flows
Hedging instrument
designated financial instrument whose fair value or related cash flows should offset changes in the fair value or cash flows of a designated hedged item
Financial assets
cash; equity instruemet of another entity; contractual right to recevie cash; derivative standing at a gain
Financial liablity
Contractual obligation to deliver cash to another entity; derivative standing at a loss
Equity instrument
Contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting its liabilities
Forward contract; futures contract; options; swaps; forward rate agreements
IFRS 9 recognition
when the entity becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument
IFRS 9 initial measurement
most valued at fair value +/- transaction costs (add to asset deduct from liability). Assets held at FV through P/L exclude transaction csts. Movement for these & transaction costs go through P&L