F2- Requriements Elicitation (Janis föreläsning) Flashcards
Who are the main players in IS development?
n Those who will benefit from the system’s outputs, directly or indirectly (end-users)
n Those who commission the project, pay for it or have the power to halt it (owners or sponsors)
n Those who will produce the software (developers) …
Responsibilities (engineer)
§ work closely with stakeholders,
§ have a perception / knowledge of the business (application) domain and the problem related to the need for a software system,
§ use appropriate requirements elicitation methods,
§ create the requirement specification,
§ ensure that the specification / system meets the requirements of the stakeholders.
Responsibilities (stakeholder)
§ introduce requirements engineer to the application domain,
§ tell the requirements engineer about desired requirements,
§ prioritize requirements,
§ inspect the requirements in the requirement specification,
§ make timely decisions.
Sub activities:
1) Identification of relevant sources for requirements 2) Elicitation of (existing) requirements from identified
3) Elicitation of (new) innovative requirements
Ge exempel på ”relevant sources” inom kravframtagningen:
Example:Types of requirements sources for”managing treatments of leg ulcers”
§ Head surgeon
§ Nurses at the hospital
§ Nurses at the primary care
§ Guidebook of treatment procedures (document)
§ Employee schedules (system)
Ge ett exempel på två ”main creativity techniques”:
Brainstorming sessions:the goal is to generate a large number of new ideas for requirements.
§ It is performed with a group of stakeholders, and a moderator.
§ For each session, a clear goal must be defined, such as “how can we
support accident-free driving?”
§ Session rules: 1) quantity over quality, 2) visionary thinking, 3) combining expressed ideas, 4) questions are allowed, 5) criticism is forbidden, 6) overcome deadlock, 7) a natural end.
Ge 6 exempel på etablerade tekniker för kravframtagning:
q Interview q Workshop q Observation q Questionnaire q FocusGroup q Perspective-basedreading
Intervjuer är den vanligaste tekniken. Vilka tre typer används?
q Standardised interview: interviewer has prepared questions and will
not deviate from them.
q Exploratory interview: interviewer has prepared questions but may deviate from them.
q Unstructured interview: no prepared question set.
Intervjuer; critical success factors:
Critical success factors
Communication skills; No leading questions; Clearly defined and communicated goal of an interview session; Terminology; Getting to know the interview partners; Avoid the groupthink effect
Beskriv en workshop:
In a workshop, a group of stakeholders develops requirements. In contrast to interviews, the requirements are the results of group work.
q Define the goal of the workshop and agenda; book a location.
q Select and invite participants. Communicate the goal to the participants,
communicate the rationale for the system to be developed.
q Appoint a skillful moderator (facilitator); appoint a minute-taker. q Explain assistance techniques like Brainstorming, or KJ method.
Workshop: critical success factors:
q All participants need to understand the workshop goal
q Invite the right participants depending on the workshop goal
q Give authority to the participants to address the problem
q Appoint an experienced and well-trained moderator
q Avoid the groupthink effect, by for example splitting groups into sub- groups, or using assistance techniques (such as KJ method).
Beskriv ”observation”:
Observation means that an observer elicits requirements by observing stakeholders, and/or existing systems. People are better to provide descriptions of their activities while they perform them.
Direct vs. Ethnographic observation: the first assumes watching stakeholders doing their tasks and asking questions. The latter assumes the observer to spend a long period of time with stakeholders, and actively participate in their activities.
Observation: critical success factors:
q Willingness of the stakeholders to cooperate
q Good processing of results
q Objectivity of the observer
q Capability of the observer for observation – activities, processes, events, details
Beskriv questionnaire:
Using this technique, a stakeholder writes down his requirements for the system by himself. In contrast to an interview, the time of elicitation is more flexible, and does not include discussions.
q Define the goal and select the stakeholders
q Define questions
q Define the documentation format for open questions
q Define response options for closed questions
q Test questionnaires by some stakeholders before using them (“pilot”)
Beskriv focus group:
A panel of stakholders focuses on a chosen ”item” (such as a work procedure) to identify its requirements. The goal could be to elicit new requirements, or to prioritize already elicited, or identify missing, etc.
q Determinethefocusitemandthegoal q Choosetherightparticipants
q Appointmoderatorandminute-taker
Focus group: critical success factors:
q Choose the right participants (background and experience) q Participants need to know the focus item and the goal
q Experienced moderator to guide the discussion
q Avoid the groupthink effect.
Beskriv perspective based learning:
It is a proven technique for assuring the quality of documents – ”the reader” (engineer or stakeholder) reads a document from a previously defined perspective (such as a user or a tester) and thereby elicit requirements.
Fördelar med perspective based Reading?
Suitable for elicitation of existing requirements by focusing on objects, business processes or events (in the document); to identify sources – they need to be found through the reading; not suitable for elicitation of new requirement, can only give ideas to be discussed.
Beskriv ”the assistansen elicitation techniques”
q Brainstorming
It is a creative, group-based technique, intended to generate ideas.
q Prototyping
It is an initial version
of a software system which is used for demonstration and try-out.
q ElicitationChecklist
It contains a number of items- questions or statements that need to be checked
It is used to elicit requirements or their sources from each participant of a group at the same time; ideas are sketched on file cards containing the keywords of the ideas; the cards are then grouped and presented according to their subjects
q MindMapping
It allows a compact and organised presentation of information by means of
branching-based graphics. In each mind-map there is a subject.
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