F2 Flashcards
Investment in Associate
+Share of Post Aq reserves
-impairments to date
Methods an unquoted company can use to get a listing on the stock exchange?
Differences between IPO and Placing?
Placings are cheaper
Placings are quicker
Placings require less disclosure of information
Placings mean more control to institutional investors (as they have more of the shares)
Sometimes there are restrictions on how much can be placed/minimum that must be offered to the public.
What is an introduction?
A methods of obtaining a quotation on the stock market, without needing to issue shares.
What is a rights issue?
A rights issue is an offer to existing shareholders to buy more shares at a lower price then the current market price, and in proportion to their shareholding.
What are primary and secondary markets?
Primary-for organisations to raise Finance.
Secondary-for existing investors to sell investments.
Formula for cost of equity with no dividend growth?
Ke = d/P0
d=regular annual dividend
P0=current share price
Formula for cost of equity with dividend growth?
Ke=d1/P0 + g
d1 is the next dividend (not this one)
P0 is share price exdiv
g is dividend growth
Increasing to decreasing risk type for investors?
-Least Creditors with fixed charge Creditors with floating charge Unsecured creditors Preference shares Ordinary shares. -Most risk
What do we mean by cost of capital?
The cost to the organisation for the capital they are getting.
Formula for g (growth in re-investment)?
Return on investment
Balance of profits reinvested
Formula for cost of debt (bank loan)?
Post tax cost of a loan=
Pre-tax cost * (1-tax rate)
8%= 10%* (1-20%)
Cost of debt (irredeemable bonds) (not tax deductible) formula?
Kd= I/P0
I=interest paid
P0=market value of the debt
Cost of debt (irredeemable bonds that are tax deductible) formula?
Kd= I(1-t)/P0
I is interest paid
P0 market value of debt ex-interest.
Types of Financial assets?
Held to maturity (like bond)
Loans and receivables (AR)
At fair value through profit or loss (Shares)
Available for sale. (As an investment)