F2 Flashcards
Probable future economic benefits that are obtained or controlled by a particular entity as a result of past events or transactions.
Probable future sacrifices of economic benefits that an entity faces for obligations to provide services or transfer assets due to past events or transactions.
Are increases of assets or reductions of liabilities during period of time
4 criteria required for CONTRACT revenue to be recognized?(U.S. GAAP: Evidence of Delivery of Priceless Collection.)
- Persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists
Under U.S.GAAP, what are the criteria required for a sale to take place?
- Delivery of goods or setting aside goods ordered
Under IFRS, what are the 4 categories of revenue recognition?
- Sale of Goods
1-Conditions required for the revenue from Sale of Goods to be recognized? (IFRS)
- Revenue and cost incurred for the transactions can be MEASURED RELIABLY
2-Rendering of Services(IFRS)?
- Rev.and Costs incurred for the transaction can be MEASURED RELIABLY
3-Revenue from Interest, Royalties, and Dividends(IFRS)
- Revenue can be MEASURED RELIABLY
4-Construction Contracts(IFRS)
- The contract revenue and contracts costs attributable to the transaction can be MEASURED RELIABLY.
Multiple Element Arrangements(U.S.GAAP)
Doing Lots of stuff for customer. When a sales contract includes multiple products or services, the fair value of the contract must be allocated to the separate contract elements. Revenue is then recognized separately for each element based on the revenue recognition criteria appropriate for each element.
Deferred Credit? (cash is paid or received; No current IS impact)
When cash is received before it is earned, a deferred credit(unearned revenue or deferred revenue) is reported. E.g. Unearned interest income, unearned rental income, unearned royalty income.
BASE? (unearned revenue)
Beginning Balance
Accrued Assets (or accrued revenues)
The recognition of an accrued asset represents revenue recognized or earned through the passage of time but not yet paid to the entity.
Accrued Liabilities(or accrued expenses)
Accrued liabilities represent expenses recognized or incurred through the passage of time but not yet paid by the entity. Journal entries:
Payroll Journal entries:
Dr. Wages expense
BASE? (Accrued Salary Payable)
Beginning Balance of accrued salary payable
Estimated Liabilities
Estimated liabilities represent the recognition of probable future charges that result from a prior act.
Royalty Revenue
Royalty revenue is recognized when earned. Formula:
Revenue Recognition when the Right of Return Exists
Shall be recognized at the time of sale only if All the following conditions are met:
Sale tax payable calculation?
[Credit to sale Rev/(1+tax rate)]* tax rate = sale tax collected - sale tax prepaid = Sale tax payable
When to recognize Initial Franchise Fees?
When “ initial services are Substantially performed”. Initial services from franchisor including: site selection, supervision of construction, bookkeeping services, and quality control.
Intangible Assets?
Intangible Assets are long-lived legal rights and competitive advantages developed or acquired by a business enterprise.
Classification of intangible Assets?
- Identifiable intangible assets: Patents, copyrights, franchises, trademarks…
Manner of Acquisition of Intangible Assets
- Purchased Intangible Assets (Record at cost)
Purchased Intangible Assets
Intangible assets acquired from other enterprises or indvs. should be recorded as an asset at cost. Legal and registration fees incurred to obtain an intangible asset should also be capitalized.
Internally developed Intangible Assets
a. Under U.S.GAAP, the cost of internally intangible assets not acquired from others(i.e, developed internally) should be expensed agaist income when incurred because U.S.GAAP prohibits the capitalization of research and development costs.
Exception to “must be expensed rules” for internally developed Intangible assets
Certain costs associated with intangibles that are specifically identifiable can be capitalized such as:
Under IFRS, research costs related to an internally devl. intangible asset must be expensed, but an intangible asset arising from devlm. is recognized if the entity can demonstrate all of the following:
A patent is amortized over the shorter of its estimated life or remaining legal life.
Amortization of intangible assets with finite life
Cost of each type of intangible asset with finite life should be amortized by systematic charges to income over the period estimated to be benefit. Generally, using straight-line method.
Amortization of intangible asset with indefinite life(goodwill)
Amortization of purchased goodwill is not permitted. The required approach is to test goodwill for impairment at least annually.
Income Tax Effect
Amortization of acquired intangible assets that are not specifically identifiable(e.g. goodwill) is deductible over a 15-year period in computing income taxes payable.
Valuation of intangible assets under U.S.GAAP
Under U.S. GAAP, finite life are reported at cost less amortization and impairment. Indefinite life intangible assets are reported at cost less impairment.
Valuation of intangible assets under IFRS
- Cost Model: like U.S. GAAP
a. Revaluation losses( reported on IS):
Example-IFRS intangible asset revaluation
On 12-31-Yr 2, an entity that had adopted the IFRS revaluation model in Yr 1 adjusted its patents to fair value. On that date, the patents had $8,200,000 carrying value and $9,100,000 FV. The entity had recorded a revaluation loss of $500,000 revaluation loss reported in Yr1. Solution:
Franchisee Accounting
- Initaial Franchise Fees: PV of the amount paid or to be paid by a franchisee is recorded as an intangible asset on BS and amortized over the expected life of the franchise.
Example: Peter signed an agreement to operate a franchise on 07-01-Yr1. Initial franchise fee was $75,000 and was paid by a $25,000 down payment with the balance payable in five equal annual payments of $10,000 beginning 07-01-Yr 2. The expected life of the franchise is 10 yrs. The PV of the five annual payment is $37,908.
The amount to be capitalized as an intangible asset on 07-01-Yr 1 is $25,000+$37,908 = $62,908. Journal entry to record@07-01-Yr1:
Start-up Costs
Expenses incurred in the formation of a corporation are considered organizational costs.
For Book purposes: Start-up costs, including organizational costs, should be expensed when incurred.
Example of costs DO NOT include in Start-up costs
- Routine, ongoing efforts to refine, enrich, improve the quality of existing products, services, processes & existing facility
For income Tax Purposes
A business may elect to deduct up to $5,000 each of org. expenditures and start-up costs.
Remember that organizational exps are not capitalized as an intagible asset. Rather, they are expensed immediatly
Goodwill is the presentation of intangible resources and elements connected with an entity.
Calculation of Goodwill (No Amortization)
- Acquisition Method: Goodwill = Acquired entity’s FV - FV of the entity’s net assets including indentifiable intangible assets
Maintaining Goodwill
Cost associated with maintaining, devl, or restoring goodwill must be expensed.
Research and Development Costs
All must be expensed, but there are 2 exceptions(U.S.GAAP):
Items Not considered Research & Development
- Routine periodic design changes to old products or troubleshooting in production stage (these are manufacturing costs, not R & D expenses)
Under IFRS, all reasearch costs must be expensed. The capitalized costs of the patent include the purchase price of the patent, the VAT taxes, and the legal cost to register the patent.
Technological Feasibility
Technological feasibility is established upon completion of:
Computer software Developed to be sold, Leased or Licesed
- Expense costs(prior to technological Feasibility): planning, design, coding, and testing.
Amortization of Capitalized software costs
Annual amortization (on a product by product basis) is the GREATER OF:
Computer software Developed internally or obtained for internal Use only
- Expense costs incurred for preliminary project state(before tech.feasibility) and costs incurred for training and maintenance.
***If change mind decided to sell to other
Proceeds received should be applied first to Carrying amount of the software, then recognized as Revenue.
Impairment of Intangible Assets with Finite Lives( Have estimated life): 2 steps
Step 1: compare Carrying Value to Undiscounted cash flows expected. If CV >FCF , then asset is Impaired (Using FCF)