F13 Multilevel modeling I Flashcards
What is a hierarchical model?
A model with a nested datastructure.
Multilevel models are also called hierarchical linear models (HLM), mixed-effects models, or random-effects models.
What two kinds of data structures have multiple relevant levels? Draw them
(1) Nested data structures. One level is contained within another (e.g. students in universities).
(2) Non-nested data structures. Different levels make sense in themselves and are independent from each other (e.g. airports and treatments)
What is a key advantage of multilevel models compared to fixed effects
FE is power intensive and problematic with many groups and few observations pr. group - not many degrees of freedom + model is prone to outliers.
What does multilevel models account for regarding the effect estimate that standard linear regression doesn’t
Possible heterogeneity in effect size. The
assumption of homogeneous effect magnitudes is often problematic. Very plausible in the real world.
What is random effects?
A multilevel model. Opposite of fixed effects. Not the best formulation as the randomness isn’t clear.
What is a random effects model?
If group-specific intercepts are modeled via a multilevel approach
What is a random slope model?
If group-specific slopes are modeled via a multilevel approach
What is a mixed or mixed effects model?
A model that combines both fixed effects and random effects.
What are the two primary components of a multilevel model?
Units (i) and groups (j).
What three combinations are possible with multilevel models and what is the regression line?
Intercepts: y_i = α_(j[i]) + βx_i + ε_i
Slope: y_i = α + βx_(j[i]) + ε_i
Both: y_i = α_(j[i]) + βx_(j[i]) + ε_i
What is the key difference between fixed and random effects?
We introduce the assumption that intercepts or slopes are normally distributed in random effects: α_j ~ Normal (μ_α , σ_α^2).
Error term is independent from independent variables on both the individual level and the group level.
What are hyperparameters?
Parameters that are not actually in the regression model but estimated ‘behind’ the model. Instead of estimating 100 unique intercepts we estimate two hyperparameters with random effects, which is way more efficient.
What is an important assumption for random effects?
The coefficients from the multilevel estimate are normally distributed.
Draw the intercepts from random effects, fixed effects and pooled regression.
Normal distribution, line with intercepts and one global intercept.
How is observations pooled in random effects, fixed effects and pooled regression?
RE: Partial pooling
FE: No pooling
Regression: Complete pooling