F106 Flashcards
______________________ is the Army lead organization to synchronize force integration efforts.
HQDA G3/5/7
The major Army prioritization documents are:
IRPL – Integrated Resource Priority List
DARPL – Dynamic Army Resource Priority List
ACMG – Active Component Manning Guidance
What is the purpose of the IRPL – Integrated Resource Priority List?
Collates SECDEF & JS Guidance &
Ranks Army Priority Categories
What is the purpose of the DARPL – Dynamic Army Resource Priority List?
Aligns UICs to IRPL Priority Categories
& Ranks UICs “1 to N”
What is the purpose of the ACMG – Active Component Manning Guidance?
to establish Active Component manning priorities (fill rates based on unit mission), manning goals, and responsibilities at all levels.
4 categories of fill 100% by position, 100% aggregate, 85% aggregate, 70% aggregate.
Manpower management is a _____ function and deals with “__________.”
Personnel management is a ____ function and deals with “___________.”Manpower management is a _____ function and deals with “__________.”
The Army Active Component total strength is composed of _______________ and _____________________.
Manning and Equipping
The Army __________________________ establishes levels of fill based on unit missions and provides a mitigation strategy for personnel shortages to the Army community.
Active Component Manning Guidance (ACMG)
There are ______ manning cycles a year.
The purpose of the manning conference is to: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
for OPD(OPs and Plans Division - G3) and AO (G8) to develop a draft OML of requisitions for approval by the OPMD
The CSA designated _______ ____________ _________ as the _____ _________ ________ responsible for all Army new equipment distribution and redistribution.
Army Materiel Command’s (AMC) as the
Lead Materiel Integrator (LMI)
Describe the purpose of the Decision Support Tool.
Integrates info from all FI systems
the common operating picture for equipment distribution and redistribution.
What is the Purpose of: Total Package Fielding
providing fully supportable materiel systems and their needed support is provided to using units with minimal disruption of the units’ day-to-day mission
What is the Purpose of JUONS
To address COCOM driven Urgent and compelling needs to prevent loss of life and/or mission failure during current operations
– Require little technology development
______ equipment and supplies forward deployed ISO CCDR OPLANs requirements
______ Army capability requests to correct a deficiency or to improve a capability impacting mission accomplishment for a specific mission and a set time frame.
The _______________ validates, prioritizes and resources urgent requirements (ONS) to provide timely Army support to the force.
What are the 3 steps of the Regionally-Aligned Readiness & Mobilization Model ReARMM process?
____________ synchronizes DOTMPLPF-P capability solutions into organizational design to create a modern force.
Force Integration (FI)
The _____ approves Force Integration priorities.
Army G-3/5/7
What are the 3x Assigned Modernization Levels (AMOD)?
AMOD 1: Assigned Modernization (AMOD) Level One is a unit equipped with the most recent and capable variant available.
AMOD 2: Assigned Modernization (AMOD) Level Two is a unit equipped with the next most recent and capable variant containing some advanced capabilities to ensure interoperability.
AMOD 3: Assigned Modernization (AMOD) Level Three is a unit equipped with fully capable equipment, including some advanced capabilities to ensure interoperability, to meet ReARMM mission line requirements.