F1 - Elements, Minerals and Rocks Flashcards
What is an Element?
A substance made from one type of atom
In order of abundance, what are the 8 main elements in the Earth’s crust?
Oxygen O
Silicon Si
Aluminium Al
Iron Fe
Calcium Ca
Sodium Na
Potassium K
Magnesium Mg
What is an Atmophile?
‘Gas loving’
Volatile elements in liquids and gases
Found in the Atmosphere and Hydrosphere
What is a Chalcophile?
‘Ore loving’
Elements that combine well with sulphur
Found in the Crust and Upper Mantle
What is a Lithophile?
‘Rock loving’
Elements that combine well with oxygen
Found in the Crust and Mantle
What is a Siderophile?
‘Iron loving’
Elements typical of the Core
What is a Mineral?
Naturally occurring, inorganic, chemical compounds or elements with compositions that can be expressed as chemical formulae
Amorphous - No shape
Cleavage - plane of weakness in a mineral along which it tends to split
Without - Quartz - N/A
One direction - Muscotive - 180
Two directions - Feldspar - 90
Two directions - Hornblende - 60/120
Three directions - Halite - 90
Three directions - Calcite - 60/120
Perfect/Good - Split easily along cleavage - less likely to fracture
Poor/None - tend to fracture
Fracture - how the mineral breaks
The mineral in powered form
Done on streak plate
The way light is reflected form the surface of the mineral
Reaction to HCl
Only Calcite will react
It will fizzle/bubble
Finger nail - 2.5
Copper Penny - 3.5
Steel pin - 4.5
Relative density
Heft test
Heavy for size - High density
Weight for size - Medium density
Lighter for size - Low density
Well formed crystal shape
Partially well formed crystals
Thin section
Where the rock is sliced thin, is transparent and can be look at through a scope
Rock forming minerals
Rock - is a aggregate or mixture of one or more minerals
Most are based on Silicate minerals (SiO4)
The rest are limestones based on calcium carbonate/calcite
And some minor evaporates (rock salt/Halite) - these are not classed as rock forming
Silica Tetrahedra
Silicates form bulk of crust and virtually all the mantle
All silicates are built form the same basic unit cell, the silicon-oxygen tetrahedra
How tight these tetrahedra’s are bonded together controls the hardness and cleavage of the mineral
Silicate minerals have different shapes but are all built from the tetrahedra
Isolated tetrahedra
One Si
Four O
No cleavage - Quartz
Single chain
Isolated tetrahedra’s link up and share one O between each of them and make a chain
Two Si
Seven O - if looking at two of them
Cleavage at 90* - Augite (triangle)
Double chain
Two chains link up and share one oxygen between each link
Four Si
Thirteen O - looking at four
Cleavage at 60-120 - Hornblende (square)
Perfect cleavage - Mica (b+m), Clay minerals, Talc