F1 Flashcards
SFAC #7: The element of present value measurement used to establish the value of assets or liabilities using cash flows
U - Uncertainty V - Variation of Future Cash Flows O - Other Factors (Liquidity issues) T - Time Value of Money E - Estimate of Future Cash Flow
Predictive Value
Forecasting Future Outcomes
Confirming Value
Provides feedback about evaluations previously made by users
Replacement Cost
The amount of cash or its equivalent that would be paid to acquire or replace an asset currently. (Acquisition Cost)
Current Market Value (Fair Value)
The price to sell (not acquire) an asset
Net Realizable Value
The selling price of an asset less any disposal costs
Exposure Drafts
Amendments to the Accounting Standards Codification for new U.S. GAAP are issued for public comment.
A Majority vote of the board members is required to approve an Exposure Draft.
Accounting Standards Updates
Are NOT authoritative literature, but provide background information, update the codification, and describe the basis for conclusions on changes in the Codification.
Large Accelerated Filer
More than $700M»_space; Non-voting Common Equity
60 Days after end of Fiscal Year Filing for 10K
40 Days after Fiscal Quarter 10Q
The issuer had an aggregate worldwide market value of the voting and non-voting common equity held by its non-affiliates of $700 million or more.
Accelerated Filer
Between $75M - $700M
The issuer had an aggregate worldwide market value of the voting and non-voting common equity held by its non-affiliates of $75 million or more, but less than $700 million
10-K Filing Date?
60 Days - Large Accelerated Filers ($700M+)
75 Days - Accelerated Filers ($70-$700M)
90 - All other Registrants (Under $70M)
10-Q Filing Date?
40 Days = Large Accelerated ($700M+)
45 Days = All Other Registrants
When is the Equity for Large/ Accelerated Filers looked at?
Outstanding common equity held by non-affiliated on the last business day of the issuers most recently completed second fiscal quarter.
What is a form 11-K?
The annual report of a company’s employee benefit plan.
Form 20-F and 40-F?
Filed annually by foreign private issuers. Similar to a 10-K
40-F = Canadian companies registered with the SEC
20-F = Other non-U.S registrants.
Form 6-K?
Filed Semi-Annually by Foreign private issuers/ Similar to a 10-Q
Form 8-K?
Major corporate events, such as corporate asset acquisitions or disposals, changes in securities and trading markets, changes to accounts or financial statements, changes in corporate governance or management.
Form 3, 4, and 5?
Required by directors, officers, or beneficial owners of more than 10% of a class of equity securities or a registered company.
Audited Financial Statements - How many Balance Sheets, Income Statements, and CFs for GAAP?
BS = 2 IS/CF = 3
Must included balance sheets for the two most recent fiscal years and statements of income, changes in owner’s equity, and cash flows for each of the three fiscal years preceding the date of the most recent audited balance.
Audited Financial Statements - How many Balance Sheets, Income Statements, and CFs for IFRS?
At Min: 2 = B/S 2 = Statements of Comprehensive Income 2 = Changes in Equity 2= CF and Notes
Extensible Business Reporting Language - XML and XBRL tell computers how to interpret the context of text.
Financial Accounting Standards Board - 1973 -> independent full-time organization that determines GAAP.
7 Full-time members, who serve for 5 year terms and may be reappointed on additional 5 year term.
Accounting Standards Updates
Not authoritative literature, provide background information, update the codification, and describe the basis fro conclusions on changes in the Codification.
The Codification is composed of the following literature that has bee issued by various standard setters:
FASB - Financial Accounting Standards Board
Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) abstracts and Topic D
Derivative Implementation Group Issue
Accounting Principals Board Opinions
Accounting Research Bulletins
Accounting Interpretations
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
15 full-time members and two part-time members who are selected to provide a mix of practical experience among auditors, prepares, users, and academics.
International Financial Reporting Interpretation Committee (IFRIC)
The IFRIC provides guidance on newly identified financial reporting issues not addressed in the IFRSs and assists the IASB in achieving international convergence of accounting standards.