F-2 Flashcards
gospel -
word meaning good news; books that tell of jesus; in NT, narratives of his life; messages about what jesus accomplishes for the relationship between God and humanity and for relations about fellow human beings
messiah -
anointed one; various people throughout hebrew bible anointed; way of appointing someone to perform specific tasks; early church narrowed the definition to designate only jesus, the one who fulfills all proper expectations for the person God would send
circumcision -
removal of the foreskin; sign of membership in the Mosaic covenant
gentile -
martyr -
person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs; Maccabees recount numerous martyrdoms suffered by Jews resisting hellenizing by Seleucid overlords
apostle -
generally means one who is sent; early church it comes to designate those who are recognized as the authorities in the church, particularly the Twelve after they replace Judas, James, the brother of jesus who becomes the leader of the Jerusalem church, and Paul. others could be apostles in the sense they were sent on missions by their churches, but these fourteen people were seen as sent by Christ and so as authoritative
resurrection (experiences) -
accounts of encounters with the resurrected Christ; accounts in the canonical Gospels relate seemingly contradictory things about the nature of the resurrected Christ’s body
passover -
festival within judaism that commemorates the exodus from egypt; pilgrimage feast that also celebrates the new year; during the time of this festival that jesus is crucified