F Flashcards
emotion- “Her smile conveyed more emotion than a thousand spoken words could.”
rapid , quick, swift
She could feel the warmth of the sun on her skin.
He wanted to experience new cultures during his travels abroad.
The artist created a unique pattern using vibrant colors and shapes.
previous = earlier
- part - portion
- fat
= chubby
- fatal-মারাত্মক
The doctors worked tirelessly to prevent the fatal outcome.
deadly , mortal
- feedback
-Engaging in frivolous (trivial/ unimportant) activities can divert attention from important matters and hinder one’s progress towards their goals.
trivial = unimportant
- full
packed , stuffed
The sign on the door forbids entry after working hours.
prohibit = ban
pardon , excuse
- focus on
It’s essential to emphasize the importance of education in rural Bangladesh.
- finish
= end
- feasible
possible = attainable = practical
With proper planning and resources, implementing solar energy is feasible in Bangladesh.
- fabulous
= marvelous = amazing
The cultural diversity and vibrant festivals in Bangladesh are truly fabulous.
- ferocious
- ভয়ঙ্কর
fierce ,savage
- fertile =
fruitful = productive
- famous =
well-known = renowned = famed = eminent.
- fear
fright ,dread ,scare, panic.
- face
confront ,meet
In Bangladesh, it’s crucial to confront social challenges like poverty and climate change through collaborative efforts and sustainable initiatives for long-term progress
- fair
= impartial
- fresh
= unused = new
The complex in which it was built was the size of a city in ancient Egypt
The complex that includes the Step Pyramid and its surroundings is considered to be as big as an Egyptian 21 ………………….. of the past.
difficult task
between 1920 and 2019
during the same period
What do we say if it decreases a bit?
a small dip of
What do we call it if it grows slowly?
climbed steadily
What do we use in comparison?
in comparison,
If it is 100% then what do we say?
there was one in every house hold
হালকা কমে গেলে সেটাকে আমরা কি বলি
it experienced only a small drop
essay contends that
প্রবন্ধ যে দাবি
become redundant.
অপ্রয়োজনীয় হয়ে
the advent of the internet
ইন্টারনেটের আবির্ভাব
undeniably valuable
সন্দেহাতীতভাবে মূল্যবান
carefully chosen and thoughtfully organized or presented.
libraries offer curated and verified
resources that ensure the credibility and reliability of information.
immense pool of information
its reliability and credibility remain questionable
academic rigor
একাডেমিক কঠোরতা
unfettered access to the internet
ইন্টারনেটে নিরবচ্ছিন্ন অ্যাক্সেস
communal spaces
foster learning, collaboration, and cultural enrichment.
শিক্ষা, সহযোগিতা, এবং সাংস্কৃতিক সমৃদ্ধি লালনপালন।
, libraries offer a quiet and conducive environment for studying and learning
, গ্রন্থাগারগুলি অধ্যয়ন এবং শেখার জন্য একটি শান্ত এবং অনুকূল পরিবেশ প্রদান করে
catering to diverse interests and age groups.
বিভিন্ন আগ্রহ এবং বয়স গোষ্ঠীর জন্য ক্যাটারিং।
play an indispensable role in society
সমাজে একটি অপরিহার্য ভূমিকা পালন করে
providing a conducive learning environment remains unparalleled
শিক্ষার উপযোগী পরিবেশ প্রদান অতুলনীয়
Therefore, rather than rendering libraries obsolete
অতএব, লাইব্রেরিগুলিকে অপ্রচলিত করার পরিবর্তে
knowledge dissemination, and community engagement.
জ্ঞানের বিস্তার, এবং সম্প্রদায়ের সম্পৃক্ততা।
The conclusion reinforces the idea that libraries are not replaced but rather complemented by the internet in the modern age.
The conclusion reinforces the idea that libraries are not replaced but rather complemented by the internet in the modern age.
disruptive effect of Technology
প্রযুক্তির ব্যাঘাতমূলক প্রভাব
Instinct means
The prominence of negative news in the media compared to positive developments has stimulated debates regarding its impact on individuals and society.
ইতিবাচক উন্নয়নের তুলনায় মিডিয়াতে নেতিবাচক সংবাদের প্রাধান্য ব্যক্তি এবং সমাজের উপর এর প্রভাব সম্পর্কিত বিতর্ককে উদ্দীপিত করেছে।
While some argue that this emphasis is detrimental, I am inclined to agree to a considerable extent with this perspective.
যদিও কেউ কেউ যুক্তি দেন যে এই জোর দেওয়া ক্ষতিকর, আমি এই দৃষ্টিকোণটির সাথে যথেষ্ট পরিমাণে একমত হতে চাই।
constant inundation of negative news
নেতিবাচক খবরের ক্রমাগত প্লাবন
affects individuals’ mental health and perceptions.
ব্যক্তির মানসিক স্বাস্থ্য এবং উপলব্ধি প্রভাবিত করে।
Studies have shown that prolonged exposure to negative news can contribute to increased stress, anxiety, and even depression among individuals.
গবেষণায় দেখা গেছে যে নেতিবাচক সংবাদের দীর্ঘায়িত এক্সপোজার ব্যক্তিদের মধ্যে চাপ, উদ্বেগ এবং এমনকি বিষণ্নতা বৃদ্ধিতে অবদান রাখতে পারে।
This offensive of negative information can instill fear, erode trust in society, and create a sense of hopelessness.
নেতিবাচক তথ্যের এই আক্রমণ ভয় জাগাতে পারে, সমাজে আস্থা নষ্ট করতে পারে এবং হতাশার অনুভূতি তৈরি করতে পারে।
world is a more dangerous and pessimistic place
পৃথিবী আরও বিপজ্জনক এবং হতাশাবাদী জায়গা
exacerbate citizens’ anxiety and diminish their hope for a better future.
নাগরিকদের উদ্বেগ বাড়িয়ে দেয় এবং একটি উন্নত ভবিষ্যতের জন্য তাদের আশা হ্রাস করে।
Furthermore, the disproportionate focus on negative news can have wider societal implications
তদুপরি, নেতিবাচক সংবাদের উপর অসামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ ফোকাস বিস্তৃত সামাজিক প্রভাব ফেলতে পারে।
For instance, in Bangladesh, the media’s persistent coverage of political turmoil or natural disasters often overshadows the country’s economic growth
উদাহরণস্বরূপ, বাংলাদেশে, রাজনৈতিক অস্থিরতা বা প্রাকৃতিক দুর্যোগের মিডিয়ার ক্রমাগত কভারেজ প্রায়শই দেশের অর্থনৈতিক প্রবৃদ্ধিকে ছাপিয়ে যায়।
innovative ventures
উদ্ভাবনী উদ্যোগ
as few as possible
antonym - a diverse range of
Less appeal
limited appeal
. Outlive
live longer than
Certain lifestyle choices, such as avoiding smoking and managing stress, may contribute to living longer than expected
Obsession .
Social media platforms can fuel an obsession( Excessive focus) with seeking validation বৈধতা খুঁজছেন through likes and followers
Excessive focus
The revered leader was known for his wisdom and compassion,সহানুভূতি earning the admiration and respect of people worldwide.
জ্ঞান ভিত্তিক
contextual factors
প্রাসঙ্গিক বিষয়গুলি
better to regard
বিবেচনা করা ভাল
of a person or judgment not inîuenced by personal
feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.
শান্ত soother
we do not err
আমরা ভুল করি না
We do not err as a society
when we innovate
We should pay attention to what might be lost when innovation occurs
As technology advances, businesses must adapt their strategies to remain competitive in the market
adjust modify
The company decided to modify its marketing strategy to target a different audience.
isolated words
grasp understanding
The teacher used different examples to ensure that every student gained a clear understanding of the scientific concept
উপলব্ধি করা
student appeal
ছাত্র আবেদন
Three synonyms for “appeal” are:
- Attraction
- Allure
- Charm
Atrophy = gradual decline in eìectiveness or vigour
The neurological condition led to the atrophy of nerve cells, affecting motor functions
অ্যাট্রোফি = কার্যক্ষমতা বা প্রাণশক্তিতে ধীরে ধীরে পতন
We still have opportunities to rectify the problems that technology is presenting.
প্রযুক্তি যে সমস্যাগুলি উপস্থাপন করছে তা সংশোধন করার আমাদের এখনও সুযোগ রয়েছে।
small-beak birds failing to survive, without the power to open …
Smaller members of the medium ground finch population, lacking the bill strength to crack large seeds, died out.
big-beak birds dying out, with … as the main food resource
Small seeds came to dominate the food supply, and big birds with big bills died out at a higher rate than smaller ones
human activity
man-made twist
In the early 1960s medium ground finches were found to have a larger or smaller beak. But in the late 1960s and early 70s, finches with … flourished
began to thrive
But in the late 1960s and early 70s, medium ground finches with medium-sized bills began to thrive at Academy Bay along with small and large-billed birds.
Grants’ discovery has questioned Darwin’s theory.
They have witnessed Darwin’s principle in action again and again, over many generations of finches
They have seen how the Darwin’s principle work multiple times so there is no conflict or question raised
Answer: FALSE
The cactus finches are less affected by food than the medium ground finch.
**Only two species of finch lived on Daphne Major, the medium ground finch and the cactus finch.
There is no comparison between the two finches in the passage**
In 2002 and 2003, all the birds were affected by the drought.
**Then, in 2002 and 2003, another drought struck. None of the birds nested that year, and many died out.
None of the birds nested = all of the birds didn’t nest = all were affected
Answer: TRUE**
commemorating historical milestones and embracing Bangladesh’s diverse heritage
ঐতিহাসিক মাইলফলকগুলিকে স্মরণ করা এবং বাংলাদেশের বৈচিত্র্যময় ঐতিহ্যকে আলিঙ্গন করা
personal computer
Almost all scientists accept that cellphones have higher emission than that of personal computers.
Some engineers, however, such as Bruce Donham of Boeing, say that common sense suggests phones are more risky than laptops. “A device capable of producing a strong emission is not as safe as a device which does not have any intentional emission,”
The passage only mentions “some engineers” so saying “Almost all scientists …” is not correct
Some people believe that radio emission will interrupt the equipment on the plane
Electronic devices in the cabin-especially those emitting a strong signal-can behave unpredictably, reinforcing other signals, for instance, or creating unforeseen harmonics that disrupt systems.
Answer: TRUE
The FAA initiated open debate with the Federal Communications Commission.
But Cross complains that neither the FAA, the airlines nor the manufacturers are showing much interest in developing these.
Passage only says that the FAA shows no interest without mentioning anything about open debate initiation. Hence, Not Given
On the basis of bone judgement
Judging by the bones
The joy of getting lost in a good book is something that always makes me feel content.
একটি ভাল বই হারিয়ে যাওয়ার আনন্দ এমন কিছু যা আমাকে সর্বদা সন্তুষ্ট করে।
Sharing a homemade meal with loved ones brings me a sense of happiness and accomplishment
প্রিয়জনের সাথে ঘরে তৈরি খাবার ভাগ করে নেওয়া আমার জন্য সুখ এবং কৃতিত্বের অনুভূতি নিয়ে আসে
I’m quite fond of watching movies; they provide me with entertainment and sometimes inspire
Watching a good film allows me to unwind and escape from the daily routine
The emotions and stories conveyed through movies often leave a lasting impression on me
চলচ্চিত্রের মাধ্যমে প্রকাশ করা আবেগ এবং গল্পগুলি প্রায়শই আমার উপর স্থায়ী ছাপ ফেলে
The adrenaline rush and the thrill of the game always leave me feeling exhilarated.
অ্যাড্রেনালিন রাশ এবং খেলার রোমাঞ্চ সবসময় আমাকে উচ্ছ্বসিত বোধ করে।
Music has a way of connecting with my emotions and creating a sense of peace within me
সঙ্গীত আমার আবেগের সাথে সংযোগ করার এবং আমার মধ্যে শান্তির অনুভূতি তৈরি করার একটি উপায় রয়েছে