Eyes Flashcards
What is the fovea?
dark circular area around point of central vision
Where is the macula?
Surrounds the fovea, no discernible margins
What is the direct light reflex?
light shined in eye causes constriction in the same eye
Consensual light reflex?
constriction of the pupil in the contralateral eye
What should you do if the light reaction is abnormal?
test the near reaction
convergence and accomodation should occur
What is the near reaction?
pupils constrict when a person’s gaze shifts form far objects to a near one
What is anisocoria?
defect in constriction/dilation of one pupil (normal in about 20% of the population)
What will happen in anisocoria for an abnormally large pupil?
the abnormally large pupil will have poor constriction in a well lit room
What can cause anisocoria w/ an abnormally large pupil?
blunt truama, open angle glaucoma, dilating drops, impaired parasympathetic innervation, tonic pupil, CNIII paralysis
What will happen w/ anisocoria with an abnormally small pupil?
poor dilation in a dim room
What can cause anoscoria with an abnormally small pupil?
- physiologically small pupil
- pilocarpine drops
- uveitis
- horners syndrome
What is a coloboma?
a gap in the tissue structures of the eye
What would you suspect if you see a pupil with a corneal haze, mid-dilated pupil, non-reactive pupil and red eye
Acute angle closure gluacoma
What would you suspect if a pt comes with sudden vision loss?
- retinal detachment
- vitreous hemorrhage, -central retinal artery occlusion
What test should you do if a pt has changes in vision?
visual acuity test
What should you suspect if a pt sees flashing lights?
retinal detachment until proven otherwise
What can cause diplopia?
brainstem or cerebellar lesion, weakness, paralysis of extraocular muscles
What should you do if a pt has sudden unlilateral painful vision loss?
What can cause ipsilateral monocular visual loss?
lesion of optic nerve
What causes bitemporal hemianopsia?
lesion at optic chiasm
What causes contralateral homonymous hemianopsia?
lesion at the optic tract
What must you r/o if there is significant drying of the eye?
Sjogren syndrome
What is a hodeolum?
an infection of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid
What is a chalazion?
a small sebaceous cyst of the eyelid resulting when a meibomian gland is blocked
What is hyperopia?
farsighted vision
What is presbyopia?
loss of lens elasticity due to age
What is myopia?
What is a cataract?
clouding of the lens obstructing the passage of light (due to long term uv exposure)