Eyes Flashcards
What is located in the paramedian pontine reticular? aka the PPFR?
The center for lateral gaze
How does the PPFR communicate with the ocular motor nuclei?
via the MLF
Where is the center for vertical gaze located?
in a region just rostral to the oculomotor mucleus in the rostral midbrain
When you turn your eyes to glance at a visual object without having a moving target to follow this is known as a
What region initiates a saccade movement?
the frontal eye fields (part of the frontal cortex)
Neurons from the frontal eye fields then project to the ______ ______ in the coicobulbar tract
ipsilateral superior colliculus
In a saccade, where does the message relay to after the superior colliculus?
the contralateral PPFR
What exclusively controls the lens? The sympathetic or parasympathetic system?
parasympathetic system
What is the role of the pre-tectal area?
serves as the autonomic control center to coordinate the focusing of both lenses
where are the pre-ganglionic parasympathetic neurons located?
Edinger Westphal nuclei
What happens when the cillary muscle contracts?
decreases the tension of the lens allowing it to relax to a more spherical shape, allowing us to focus on nearby objects
The pre-tectal area also receives motor input from what?
the centers for convergence and divergence
The parasympathetic axons travel with what cranial nerve?
oculomotor nerve
What autonomic system(s) control the iris?
both the parasympathetic and sympathetic system
Where do the autonomic fibers for control of the iris synapse?
Parasympathetic: pretectal nucleus
Sympathetic: the midbrain reticular formation