Eyelid disorders Flashcards
Meige’s syndrome
essential blepharospasm with facial grimacing
- idiopathic inflammatory edema of eyelids
- transient, painless eyelid edema resulting in atrophy, wrinkling, and redundancy of eyelid skin
Myogenic ptosis
MG, CPEO, myotonic dystrophy
-Tx: frontalis sling
Involutional ptosis (aponeurotic)
-high eyelid crease with good levator fxn
Neurogenic ptosis
-CN3 palsy, Marcu Gunn jaw winking, Horner’s, MS, ophthlamoplegic migraine
Surgical tx of spastic entropion
Quickert suture
Surgical tx of involutional entropion
Quickert suture, lateral tarsal strip
Epidermal inclusion cyst
- single lumen, filled with keratin debris
- rupture can cause foreign body granulomatous reaction
- Double row of cuboidal epithelium
- most commonly at eyelid margin or lateral canthus
Muir-Torre syndrome
Multiple sebaceous neoplasms, keratocanthomas and visceral tumors (esp GI)
Firm, skin colored nodule or eyelid
Small umbilicated nodule with central white hairs
Crusty lesion with rough ulcerated surface (resembles verruca)
Cowden’s disease
- multiple facial tricholemmomas
- marker for breast or thyroid cancer
- solitary, firm, deep nodule with overlying normal, pink or bluish skin
- freely moveable
- assoc with myotonic dystrophy and Gardner’s syndrome