Eye exam Flashcards
describe the use of the snellen card, explain a normal test, and demonstrate it
- tests visual acuity
- 20/20 is normal
- hold chart 6 ft away- read at least 2 lines of leters in decreasing size
- cover one eye at a time; examine both eyes
demonstrate confrontation testing for peripheral vision assessment and explain what it is used for
- assess visual field
- pt and dr cover 1 eye, eyes staring straight ahead
- dr holds up fingers and brings it peripheral to central
- pt states when they see the object in each visual quadrant
- compare bilaterally
demonstrate an exam of the orbital conjunctiva
- depress lower eyelid, have pt look up
- raise upper eyelid, have pt look down
- states conjunctiva looks clear without foreign bodies, erythema, purulence, or overgrowths/ptergiums
- eversion of upper eyelid- to remove foreign bodies
demonstrate an examination of the cornea and sclera
- shines a light from the sides bilaterally
- states cornea, anterior chamber, and lens are normally clear; sclera is normally white
- states iris nad pupil are normally round and equal size
- bilaterally pupillary contraction is normal- pupillary light reflex (optic and oculomotor n’s)
demonstrate extraocular m testing
- pt’s head stationary
- pt follow object making an “H” pattern
- oculomotor n innervates MR, IR, SR, IO m’s
- trochlear n- SO m
- abducens n- LR m
- nystagmus is involutnary, jerking movements of eye
demonstrate the corneal light reflex and the cover/uncover test
- pt stares straight ahead
- corneal light reflex- symmetry
- cover 1 eye and observe uncovered eye
- remove cover and watch for movement of newly uncovered eye
- compare bilaterally- no eye movement thruout covering and uncovering is normal
- esotropia- medially turned eye
- exotropia- laterally turned eye
demonstrate a funduscopic exam
- opthalmoscope- examines retina/posterior chamber/fundus
- mydriasis/pupillary dilation- used to improve visualization
- pt looks over dr’s shoulder
- place hand on head of pt
- right hand, right eye, pt’s right eye
- move the light lateral to midline
- red reflex- normal reflection of light off the retina
- reduce light, focus on iris
- follow lateral BV centally to optic disc
- arterioles are brighter/smaller than venules
- symmetry
- orbits
- lids
- sclera
- conjunctiva
overgrowth of cornea?
lateral drift?
misalignment of eyes?
-can result in amblyopia (lazy eye) with reduced visual acuity
(exotropia, esotropia)
rhythmical oscillation of eyes?
-nystagmus- indicates ocular weakness
unequal size of pupils
eyelid inflammation
yellow sclerus
scleral icterus
bacterial conjunctivitis
- S aureus- adults
- S pneumoniae, H flu, M cattarhalis- kids
- unilateral
- mattes shut during sleep
- purulent discharge
viral conjunctivitis
- adenovirus
- gritty/sandy feeling of eyes
- quickly becomes bilateral
- clear discharge
allergic conjunctivitis
- bilateral redness
- watery discharge
- allergy symptoms (sneezing, nasal congestion)
- acute purulent infl (tender)
- meibomian gland- internal
- eyelash follicle or tear gland- external
- warm compresses!
- meibomian tear gland obstructured
- painless, rubbery
- no antibiotics necessary
cholesterol deposits
- benign
- hyperlipidemia present in 50% of adults
fluorescein stain
- identify epithelial defect
- AFTER screening exam
documentation normal exam
pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation, extra-ocular m’s intact