Eye Exam Flashcards
How do we test visual acuity?
- distant vision (Snellen)
- Near vision
How is distant vision measured?
- place pt 20 ft from chart
- examine eyes separately
How is near vision measured?
- holds chart or newsprint 14 inches from patient’s face
- examines eyes separately
How do you measure visual fields by confrontation?
- screen temporal fields in lateral, superior, and inferior position
- if screen abnormal performs further testing (or notes how to do if normal screen)
How are temporal fields screened?
- in lateral, superior, and inferior position
- pt and examiner face each other 2-3 feet apart
- instructs the pt to look into examiner’s eyes while examiner looks straight into pt’s eyes
- informs pt to indicate when fingers are seen
How are abnormal findings during visual field assessment by confrontation further tested?
- tests one eye at a time
- moves from anticipated defect to better vision
- uses wiggling finger for small defect or enlarged blind spots
During external eye exam what do you inspect?
- inspect bilaterally
- inspect lacrimal apparatus
- visualize bulbar conjunctiva and sclera (pulls down on lower lid requests patient to look up)
- inspect cornea and lens with oblique lighting
- inspect iris with oblique lighting
- tests for crescentic shadow
- inspects pupils
- tests reaction to light using distance gaze and oblique lighting
Comments on bilateral inspection during external eye exam?
- position and alignment of eye
- notes need to assess from above if protruding eyes
- eyebrows for quantity and distribution and scaliness
- eyelids for width, edema, color, and lesions
- notes adequacy of eyelid closure
- lashes for condition and direction (ectropion, entropion)
Inspection of lacrimal apparatus?
- comment of edema or swelling
- comments on excess tearing or dryness
- if excessive tearing, palpates lacrimal sac
Visualizes bulbar conjunctiva and sclera.
- pulls down on lower lid
- requests patient to look up
- inspects conjunctiva
- inspects sclera
inspects conjunctiva
- color
- vascular pattern
- nodules
- swelling (pterygium, pinguecula)
inspects sclera
- color
- moisture
inspects cornea and lens with oblique lighting
- clarity
- smoothness
- opacities
inspects iris with oblique lig
shape and symmetry
visualizes palpebral conjunctiva, how?
by everting eye lid
tests for crescentic shadow
oblique lighting of cornea