Eye and Ocular Adnexa Lecture Flashcards
Chambers of the globe
Posterior Segment: Vitreous Body
Anterior Segment: Anterior and Posterior chambers
Name for eyelids and eyelashes
Palpebrae and cilia
The mucous membrane that lines the inside of the lids and the surface of the eyeball
palpebral conjunctiva: deepest part of palpebral layer
bulbar conjunctiva: the conjunctiva reflects back onto the surface of the eyeball
The angle made by this reflection is the conjunctival fornix, and the space between the eyelids and the surface of the eye, normally potential except for a small amount of mucus and tears, is the** conjunctival sac**.
Three layers of precorneal tear film
- oil from meibomien glands
- serous layer (lacrimal and third eyelid production)
- mucous layer, mucous glands of conjunctiva
precorneal tear film is important for vision
Tunics of the eyeball
- Fibrous tunic: made up of the cornea and sclera with a transition point called the limbus
- Vascular tunic: is dense in vessels and made of the choroid, the posterior uvea and the ciliary body (suspends the lens), and iris makes up the anterior uvea
- Nervous tunic: the retina
outer layer of the eye is the…
increased pressure in anterior chamber, causes compression on the retina
corpora nigra
a black body, only in herbivores.
do not confuse with a tumor!
called iridial ribbon in llamas
back of the eye where all axons pass through
area cribrosa
Layers of the cornea
- precorneal tear film
- corneal epithelium (continuous with the bulbar conjunctiva at the limbus)
- stroma (90% of corneal thickness, relatively dehydrated - critical for maintenance of corneal transparency. DOES NOT regenerate)
- Descemet’s membrane, descemetoccole an ocular emergency
- endothelium (important in the maintenance of corneal dehydration)
corneal epithelium is capable of vigorous regeneration when injured.
what constitutes corneal transparency
- regular collagen that reduces light scatter
- avascular
- no pigment
- tear film, smooth surface
- relative dehydration
The site at which the aqueous produced by the ciliary body is reabsorbed back into the circulation
iridocorneal angle (filtration angle, iris
Layers of the retina
- pigment epithelium (also has unpigmented part which is the tapetum)
- photreceptor layer (rods and cones [color])
- bipolar cells (receive information from photoreceptors, project to deepest layer)
- ganglion cell layer (deepest layer,
choroid coat deepest and then blood vessels deeper still
the fundus and its parts
portion of the eye that can be viewed through an opthalmoscope, include tapetum, nontapetal area, optic disc, and the retinal vasculature
the lens
surrounded by a capsule, has a lens epithelium which is alive and conitnues to grow in life, lens fibers are the cells, lens cell meet at a point called lens stars
compression of lenticular lens is called lenticular sclerosis and is not the same as cataracts. immune system has never seen lens proteins.