Eye Flashcards
Thin outer lining of the eye and eyelid
Transparent frontal aspect of the eye, covering both the iris and pupil
Extraocular Muscles Intact (EOMI)
Testing that examines the function of the eye muscle
Fundoscopic Exam
The use of an ophthalmoscope to look through the pupil and examine the interior surface of the posterior eye
Involuntary “shaking” eye movements
Pain in the eye
Pale Conjunctiva
Pale inner aspect of the eyelid most often due to anemia
Periorbital Ecchymosis
Bruising around the eyes, indicative of trauma
Light Sensitivity
Pupils are Equal, Round, and Reactive, to Light (PERRL)
Common normal eye exam finding
Scleral Icterus
Yellowing of the sclera (whites of the eye) due to jaundice