exzm 3 Flashcards
obicularis oculi
muscle around eye
orbicularis oris
muscle around mouth
muscle that helps you chew
neck muscle 
what is the action of the temporalis? 
elevation, retraction, lateral/medial movement of the mandible 
What is the insertion of the masseter?
Lateral surface of mandibular ramus/angle
hyoid bone
 Attaches to only cartilage
sternocleidomastoid cut
 on right side of neck muscle 
Sternocleidomastoid cut heads
Muscle that connects to the collarbone
What heads do the sternocleidomastoid have?
Clavicular head, sternal head,
external oblique
Rectus abdominous
middle part of stomach muscle 
What is the origin of the rectus abdominous?
Pubic symphysis in superior margin of pubis
What is the insertion of the rectus abdominous?
Xiphoid process of sternum, costal cartilage of ribs five through seven
 On top of clavicle
pectoralis major
Goes from sternum to humerus
Biceps brachii short head
More medial on arm
biceps brachii long head
More lateral on arm muscle
what is the origin of the serratus anterior?
All ribs
what is the insertion of the serratus anterior?
Medial border of scapula
What is the action of the serratus anterior?
Primer mover in all forward, pushing actions, fix the scapula during the abduction of the arm
what is the origin of the deltoid?
Acromion and spine of scapula, clavicle
what is the insertion of the deltoid?
 Deltoid tuberosity of humorous
what is the action of the deltoid?
Interior, fibers flex and internally rotate arm, lateral fibers, abduct, arm, posterior fibers
Main elbow flexes
brachialis, biceps, brachii, and brachiordialis
what is the origin of the flexor carpi radialis?
Medial epicondyle of humorous
what is the insertion of the flexor carpi radialis?
Face of metacarpal, number two, and number three
what is the action of the flexor carpi radialis?
flex wrist anteriorly, aids, and radial deviation 
muscle on top of femur, under os coxae,smaller
adductor longus
Muscle on medial side of thigh
muscle that goes diagonal from inferior to medial all down the thigh 
Rectus femoris
Muscle in middle of thigh ride on top of femur
Tibialis anterior
Muscle on top of tibia on bottom part of leg
Illiopsoas group (psoas major)
Runs from bottom of spine down to femur
Illiopsoas group (Illiacus)
muscle around os coxae
Adductor longus
Big muscle that runs from pubic symphysis to back a femur
where is the Origen of the adductor longus? 
Body and inferior ramus of pubis
where is the insertion of the adductor longus?
 Linea Aspera of the femur
what is the action of the adductor longus?
adducts and internally rotate thigh,flexes thigh at hip
where is the origin of the rectus femoris
Ileum at into anterior inferior iliac spine, superior margin of Asa to Pelham, capsule of hip joint