Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis Flashcards
Interstitial inflammatory disease of the distal gas exchanging alveoli caused by inhalation of organic dusts. AKA hypersensitivity pneumonia
Inhalation of antigenic organic dusts which may b contamined by bacteria or
animal protein leads to a hypersensitivity response (mixed T3 Ag-Ab complex
and T4 granulomatous cellular). This occurs in susceptible individuals following an environmental que:
- Farmers lung: mouldy hay with thermophilic actniomycetes
- Pigeon fancier’s lung: Bloom on bird feathers
- Mushroom orkers lung: compost containing thermophilic actinomycetes
- Humidifier lung: Bacteria containinf water or ameba (Naelgeria)
- Maltworkers lung: Barley or malts containing aspergillus.
Rare. In UK 4/100k py.
50% of these occur on farms. 2% of occupational lung diseases.
Geographical variation due to lobs.
Presenting symptoms
Acute: Presents at 4-12h with dry cough, dyspnoea, wheeze, fever and myalgia
(reversible!). Wheeze and productive cough worsen.
Chronic: poorly irreversible manifestation in some, slowly breathless and lower exercise tolderance. May not have history of acute episodes.
Full occupational history, jobs, pets.
Signs on physical examination
Acute: rapid shallow breathing, inspiratory wheeze:
Chronic: fine inspiratory basal wheezes. Mat have finger clubbing rarely.
FBC: neutrophilia, lymphopenia
Serology: Precipitate IgG with antigens from serum/ Not very reliable as they are present in most.
CXR: Often normal. May see upper lobe fibrosis (chronic) or ground glass
High res Ct thorax: detects early changes, also shows ground glass shadowing.
Bronchoalveolar lavage: can detect CD8 suppressor T cels.
PFT: FEV1 and FVC both lowered, with normal or high ration (restrictive picture)
Management plan
Avoid the trigger. Wear protection masks at work. If this is not possible, wear
protection masks.
Acute: comfort, ansgesia. High dose corticosteroids fastens recovery but not
improves outcome.
Chronic: high dose oral prednisolone.
Regular follow up to monitor function
Possible complications
Progressive ung fibrosis due to possible impairment.
Pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary HTN and RV failure due to the above.
Acute form resolves if further exposure is prevented.