Extremity Anomalies Flashcards
Ludloff’s Spot/Fleck
Normal lucency visualized in the intracondylar groove of the knee
Typically seen on a lateral knee view
Os Acetabuli
Accessory ossicle lateral to the acetabulum
DDX: calcific tendonitis
Pitt’s Pit
Lucency visualized along the anterior aspect of the femoral neck
Average size: 5mm
Femoral Acetabular Impingement
Pincer Type: bony extension of acetabular bone
Cam Type: cortical protrusion on the femoral head laterally
Clinical: hip/groin pain
Developmental Dysplasia of Hip
Putti’s Triad:
Shallow Acetabulum
Superolateral femur displacement
Delayed ossification
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Best visualized in Frog leg view Klein's line does not intersect femoral epiphysis Clinical: Limited ROM Hip tenderness Painful internal rotation and abduction Common in 10-15 Y males Refer to Ortho
Bipartite Patella
displaced superolateral quadrant of patella. Tripartite and multipartite also possible
Dorsal Defect of Patella
circular lucency in superolateral quadrant of patella.
Average size: 9mm
Os Fabella
Accessory sesmoid posterior to the lateral femoral condyle (within lateral head of gastroc muscle)
Tug Lesion
Cortical thickening along soleal line and fibula
common in active kids
Tarsal Coalition
Congenital fusion of 2 or more tarsal bones. Appears clinically as rigid flat foot.
Calcaneonavicular: Ant eater nose sign - square protrusion from calcaneus on the medial oblique view
Talocalcaneal: C sign and Talar beak on the lateral ankle view
Talar Beak
Osseous growth on the superior surface of the talus
Os Subfibulare
Ossicle inferior to the lateral malleolus
Accessory Navicular
Ossicle medial and posterior to the navicular.
Type I (Os Tibiale Externum) - small ossicle in the posterior tibial tendon
Type II (Prehallux) - large triangular ossicle
Type III (Cornuate Navicular) - complete fusion with navicular
Os Trigonum
Accessory ossicle posterior to the ankle
Os intermetatarseum
Accessory ossicle between the 1st and 2nd metatarsal
Os Peroneum
Accessory Ossicle in the fibularis longus tendon
DDX: unfused apophysis of the 5th metatarsal or avulsion fracture
Humeral Notch
cortical notch on medial proximal metaphysis of humerus
Commonly seen bilaterally
Rhomboid Fossa
Depression on the medial inferior surface of the clavicle (By CC ligaments)
Prominent Conoid Tubercle
Triangular shaped osseous growth by CC ligaments
Os Acromiale
Unfused apophysis of distal acromion
Diagnosed after 21-25 Y
Supracondylar Process
exotosis in the anterior distal humerus
Os Supratrchlear Dorsale
ossicle within the olecranon fossa
Coronoid Bone
ossicle within the coronoid fossa
Madelung Deformity
Dorsal medial bowing of the radius
V shape of proximal carpals
Increased interosseus space
Negative Ulnar Variance
Short Ulna, ulna appears more proximal in PA wrist
Associated with ulnar impingement syndrome
Positive Ulnar Variance
Long Ulna, Ulna appears more distal in PA wrist
Associated with Ulnar impaction syndrome
Os Styloideum
Accessory ossicle at the base of the 2nd metacarpal
Carpal Boss: painful lump on the dorsum of the wrist
Carpal Coalition
Fusion of carpal bones
Most common: Lunate and Triquetrum
2nd most common: Capitate and Hamate