Extraoral Exams Flashcards
____ is most common carcinoma; Middle 2/3 of facewon’t healUsually benignMore than 3 million cases in US per year; pads of glasses
Basal cell carcinoma
_____ is the term used to describe cholesterol deposits on outside of cornea
Corneal areus
Referred pain from masseter is usually located where?
Posterior teeth
What is the most common lympdadenopathy
____ is an infection of the parotid gland; swelling in the cheek and sore lymph nodes
Paralysis one side, Usually from stroke
____ gait is characterized by Tremor, Rigidity, Postural instability, and Hypokinesia; Taking small, shuffling stepsMoving more slowly than expected for your age.Taking jerky stepsFREEZING OF GAIT
Lymph nodes should be what 2 things as far as texture and movability?
Soft like a grape and movable
What are the 9 cervical lymph nodes?
Submental, submandibular, parotid, preauricular, postauricular, occipital, anterior cervical chain, supraclavicular, and posterior cervical chain
Meds: anti-inflammatory antianxietyTENS: transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulationSurgery (very rare) are all treatments of _____
____ develops at the corners of the mouth; usually a candida; saliva collects at corners of mouth and increases microorgs; dry mouth and slobbering; crust, crack, and sore
Angular cheilitis
_____ are Filters that are Part of lymphatic system including Thymus, Spleen, and Bone marrow
Lymph Nodes
Any abnormality in SizeConsistencyNumber of lymph nodes; most commonly inflammation
_____ (skin) has multiple colors, irregular borders, can be aggressive; caused by UV radiation; 2-8x greater chance of getting when relative has history of cancer
Weakness one side