extraction and uses of metals Flashcards
what are minerals?
Minerals are a solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence
what is an ore?
a naturally occurring rock that contains enough of a metal or metal compound to make it economically feasible to extract the metal.
what does it mean to be found native?
this is when few unreactive metals can be found in their natural form when they are an uncombined element. e.g., gold, some silver and copper
what is roasting?
when a compound is converted into an oxide by heating in air
what is reduction?
to obtain the metal from the oxide, you have to remove the oxygen. this is called reduction.
this is because metals exist as positive ions in their ionic compounds, and to produce the metal you would have to add electrons to the positive ion.
this is aka the addition of electrons
what does the way a metal is extracted depend on?
- cost of energy
- cost of reducing agent ( a substance that donates electrons to another substance, causing it to be reduced)
what is a reducing agent?
a substance that donates electrons to another substance, causing it to be reduced
how do you extract metals which are below carbon in the reactivity series?
the cheapest method of reducing the ore is to head it with carbon.
this is because carbon is higher in the reactivity series than iron and will take the oxygen away from the metal oxide
what is the main reducing agent in extraction of metals below carbon in the reactivity series?
carbon monoxide or carbon
where is the extraction of iron carried out?
in a blast furnace
how are metals higher than zinc in the reactivity series extracted?
this requires a huge amount of electricity, making it expensive.
metals below carbon can be extracted by electrolysis but it doesn’t make economic sense to do this
why aren’t metals higher than zinc in the reactivity series extracted using carbon?
- they are more reactive than carbon and therefore carbon cannot take away the from the metal oxide.
what is another way metals can be extracted. use titanium ot explain.
you can extract it by heating the compound with a more reactive metal which is also an expensive method as the more reactive metal will have to be extracted by an expensive process first
what is an alloy?
a mixture of a metal with, usually, other metals or carbon
what is brass a mixture of
copper, zinc