Extract 7 Flashcards
At vero
But indeed
Aeneas.. amens
Aeneas, out of his wits
Aspectu obmutuit
Was struck dumb by this sight
Arrectaeque horrore comae
And his hair stood up with/from fear
Vox faucibus haesit
And his voice stuck in his throat
Ardet abire fuga
He was eager to leave in flight
Dulcesque relinquere terras
And to leave behind the sweet lands
Attonitus tanto monitu
Astonished by such a warning
Imperioque deorum
Command of the gods
Heu quid agat?
Alas! What was he to do?
Quo… adfatu
With what address
Could he now dare
Reginam.. furentem
The raving queen
To persuade
Quae prima exordia sumat?
What opening should he take up?
At regina dolos praesensit
But the queen perceived the tricks
Quis fallere possit amantem?
Who can deceive a lover?
Motusque excepit prima futuros
And she first caught rumours of his future movements
Omnia tuta timens
Fearing everything that was in fact safe
Eadem impia Fama
The same evil rumour
Furenti detulit
Brought news to the raging woman
Armari classem
That the fleet was being readied
Cursumque parari
And a course prepared
She raged
Inops animi
Out of her mind
Totamque per urbem bacchatur
Raved through the whole city
Qualis.. Thyias
Just like a Bacchant
Commotis excita sacris
In a frenzy when the sacred objects are moved