Extra Points Flashcards
On the highest prominence of the lateral malleolus
- 1 cun prick to bleed
- beriberi, toothache, tonsilitis
Fold the auricle, pt is at the apex of the ear.
- 1-0.2 prick to bleed
- redness, swelling and pain of the eyes, febrile disease and nebula
In the center of the frenulum of the tongue, between jinjin and yuye
- 1-0.2 prick to bleed
- heaviness, swelling and pain of the tongue, lotus flower tongue in children, facial paralysis, wasting and thirsting disorder, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and hiccough
W/ maximal extension of the tongue, located in the center of the tongue body
- 2 cun perpendicular
- stiff or flaccid tongue, aphasia, diabetes, asthma, cough, hypogeusestbesia
Inner Neiting
on the plantar aspect of the foot, between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, opposite of ST 44
- 2-0.3 Perpendicular
- acute epigastric pain, local pain, epilepsy and restlessness
Yin Tang
Midway between the medial ends of the eyebrows
- 3-0.5 cun Subcutaneous
- headache, heaviness of the head, epistaxis, rhinorrhea, infantile convulsion, frontal headache and insomnia
on the dorm of the hand at the junction of the white android skin of the hand webs, locate with a loose fist
- 3-0.5 un oblique
- excessive heat, finder numbness, spasm and welling of the dorsum of the hand
2 cun above Du 14, 1 cun lateral to the midline
- 3-0.5 cun perpendicular
- scrofula, cough , asthma, whooping cough and neck rigidity
In the depression about 1 cun posterior to the midpoint between the lateral end of the eyebrow and outer canthus
- 3-0.5 cun perpendicular
- headache, eye diseases, deviation of the eyes and mouth
In the depression between LI 5 and SJ 4
- 3-0.5 cun perpendicular
- stuffy chest, gastric pain, spitting of blood
In the depression of the midpoint t of the superior patellar border
- 3-0.5 cun perpendicular
- knee px, paralysis and weakness of the foot and leg
Midpoint of the eyebrow
- 3-0.5 cun subcutaneous
- pain in the supraorbital region, twitching the eyelids, posts, cloudiness of the cornea, redness, swell and pain of the eyes
highest point of the nasolabial groove
- 3-0.5 subcutaneous upwards
- rhinitis, nasal obstruction and nasal boils
With the patient looking straight ahead, directly above the pupil, 1 cun above the anterior hairline
- 5 cun, oblique or transverse
- dizziness, opthalmalgia, stuffy nose, common cold, headache, conductivity and apoplectic stroke
- 5 cun lateral to the lower border of the 8th thoracic vertebrae
- 5-0.7 cun oblique
- diabetes, vomiting, abdominal pain, pain in the chest and hypochondriac region
on the dorsum of the the hand between he second and third metacarpal bones, about 0.5 cun posterior to the metacarpal-phalangeal joint
- 5-0.8 cun perpendicular
- sore neck, pain int he shoulder and arm
on the dorsum of the foot in the depression on the webs between the toes. proximal to the margins of the webs
- 5-0.8 cun oblique
- beriberi, toe pain, redness and swelling of the dorsum of the foot
Midpoint between GB 20 and SJ 17
- 5-0.8 cun perpendicular
- insomnia, vertigo, headache, palpitations and metal disorders
- 5 cun lateral to Du 14
- 5-0.8 cun perpendicular
- asthma, cough, neck rigidity, rubella and pain in the shoulder and back
- 5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the first lumbar vertebra
- 5-0.8 cun perpendicular
- hepatosplenomegaly and lumbar pain
pair of points in the depressions medial and lateral to the patellar liqament. locate with the knee flexed
- 0.5-1 cun perpendicular
- knee pain, weakness of the lower extremities
on the dorsum of the hand, midway between the trainees wrist areas and the metacarpophalngeal joint, between the second and third metacarpal bones, and between he fourth and fifth metacarpal bones.
- 5-1 cun oblique
- acute lumbar sprain
- 5-1 cun anterior to the auricular lobe
- 5-1 cun oblique
- deviation of the eyes and moth, ulceration on the tongue and mouth
1 cun lateral to CV 24
- 5-1 cun perpendicular
- pain in the face, spasm of facial muscle and deviation f the eyes and mouth
Jing Gong
on the back, 0.5 cunlateral to the point UB 52
- 0.5-1 cun perpendicular
- infertility
- 5 cun lateral and medial to ST 34
- 5-1 cun perpendicular
- rheumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and paraparesis