extra points Flashcards
dan nan xue
Gall Bladder Point
bt 1 and 2 cun distal to GB 34
fx: gall stone
3 cun proximal to superior border of patella
1 cun above SP 10
fx: GI diseas (worms)
Eight Winds
dosum of foot, bt toes, .5 cun proximal to margin of web
fx: joint pain, arthritis
he ding
Crane’s Summit
midpt of superior border of patella
fx: knee pain, etc
xi yan
eyes of knee
fx: bi-syndrome, chronic knee pain
appendix pt
2 cun distal to ST 36 on right leg (bc used for appendicitis)
3 cun lateral to Ren 3
fx: pt is over uterus, used for infertility when menstrual cycle is irregular
4 cun lateral to Ren 4
fx: closer to GB channel GB 26, 27, 28 - Dai belt, used for hernia, prolapse
equilateral triangle with Ren 8 as apex, length of patient’s smile
fx: Moxa only, warms uterus, used for infertility due to cold womb
1 cun lateral to Ren 24
fx: pain in face, deviation of eyes and mouth, spasom of facial muscle
Jinjing, Yuye
left, rt
veins on both sides of frenulum of tongue
fx: prick to bleed, swelling of tongue, aphasia with stiffness of tongue
1 cun below midpt of lower jaw, bt hyoid bone and lower border of jaw
fx: loss of voice, sore throat, etc
Lumbar Pain Point
dosum of hand, 2 pts located bt 2nd & 3rd, and 4th & 5th metacarpal bones, distal to bases of metacarpals
Luo Zhen
Stiff Neck
dorsum of hand, proximal to 2nd & 3rd metacarpo-phalangeal joints
Eight Pathogens
proximal to webs of fingers
fx: joint pain, similar to shu streams
Four Seams
palmar surface of hand, midpts of transverse creases of proximal interphalangeal joints of 2,3,4,5 finger
fx: malnutrition in kids
Ten Diffusions
10 pts at the end of each fingers
fx: bleed like JW
Elbow Tip
tip of olecranon process of ulna
fx: moxa only, phlegm nodules
anterior aspect of shoulder joint, bt anterior axillary crease and LI 15
fx: pain in shoulder
two whites
forearm, 4 cun proximal to PC 7, either side of tendon flexor carpi radialis
fx: hemorrhoids, prolapse of rectum
Middle Eminence
middle joint of middle finger
fx: moxa only, morning sickness, nausea, vomiting, hiccup
Zhong Quan
bt LI 5 and SJ 4
fx: spitting blood, wrist pain, like SJ 4
highest pt of naso-labial groove
fx: sinus, rhinitis
apex of auricle
fx: prick to bleed, febrile disease
Yin Tang
at midpt bt medial end of eyebrows
fx: disease of nose, headache, dizziness and vertigo
center of eyebrow directly above pupil
fx: eye disease, facial paralysis
inferior border of orbit, bt ST 1 & GB 1
Tai Yang
at temple, 1 cun posterior to midpt of GB 1 and SJ 23
Peaceful Sleep
midpt bt SJ 17 & GB 20
fx: insomnia
1 cun posterior to SJ 17
fx: insomnia
- 5 - 1 cun anterior to auricular lobe
fx: deviation of eyes and mouth
Stomach Controller Lower Shu
- 5 cun lateral to lower border of SP of T8
fx: DIABETES (waste and thirst disorder)
- 5 cun later to L1
fx: lumbar sprain
Lumbar Eyes
- 5 cun lateral to L4
fx: acute chronic back pain
Below the 17th Vertebra
fx: chronic back pain
Yao Qi
2 cun directly above coccyx (similar to Du2 location)
fx: epilepsy, headache, insomnia, constipation
Four Spirit Alert
4 pts at the vertex of scalp, grouped around Du 20, 1 cun from Du 20
fx: blood def headache, poor memory
2 cun above Du 14, 1 cun lateral to midline
fx: neck rigidity, cough, asthma, scrofula
Calming Dyspnea
- 5 - 1 cun lateral to lower border of SP C7 (Du 14)
fx: acute wheezing, dyspnea, asthma
- 5 - 1 un lateral to depressions below SP of 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar
fx: herpes zoster at level of affected segmental nerve; herniated disc and any deviation of spinal column