Extra Credit Flashcards
True or False: Aphasia is caused by a motor problem.
What is the most frequent cause of dementia in adulthood?
Alzheimer’s Disease
What is Limb Apraxia?
A disorder of skilled movement (or praxis) that cannot be attributed to paralysis.
True or False: Broca’s Aphasia is nonfluent.
Give 3 examples of automatic speech:
- Counting
- Days of the week
- Alphabet
- Jingles
- Curse words
What are the 2 broad categories of Paraphasias?
Lexical and Sublexical
What is body-part-as-object (BPO)?
Observed spatial error when someone uses a body part as an object, such as puffing on a finger when asked to mime smoking a cigarette.
What is body-part-as-tool (BPT)
Observed spatial error when someone actually uses a body part as the tool, such as using a straightened finger as a toothbrush or pencil when miming the appropriate action, as opposed to pretending to hold the toothbrush or pencil.
A gesture’s iconicity is…
the physical similarity between a gesture and its referent.
Movements are classified according to:
transivity and complexity
- Transitive actions upon objects (e.g. dialing a phone)
- Intransitive actions without objects (e.g., an OK sign)
-A single movement (e.g. drinking)
-A sequence of movements (e.g. making coffee)
Can drawing be a communicative option?
The language system’s context have been said to be…
external to a speaker (communicative situation), and internal (world knowledge and emotional states).
Conversation is more….
situation-dependent, because many referents exist in the participants’ surroundings.