Extra Flashcards
Data Overview
-Data = Units of information
-Data Documents = Collective form in which data exists (Datasets, Databases, Datastores, Data Warehouses)
-Data Sets = Logical groupings of units of data that generally are closely related or share the same data structure
-Data Types = How single units of data are intented to be used
-Batch and Streaming Data = How do we move our data around?
-Relational and Non Relational = How do access, query and search our data?
-Data Modelling = How do we prepare and design our data?
-Schemas and Schemaless = How do we structure our data for search
-Data Integrity and Data Corruption = How do we trust our data?
-Normalized and Denormalized = How do we trade quality vs speed?
Schema = A formal language which describes the structure of data of a database.
A schema can define many different data structures that serve different purposes for a database. (relational databases)
-Tables, Fields, Relationships, Views, Indexes, Packages, Procedures, Functions, XML schemas, Queues, Triggers, Sequences, etc.
Schemaless = When the primary “cell” of a database can accept many types.
-This allows developers to forgo upfront data modelling
Common schemaless databases are:
–Wide Column
Query & Querying
A query is a request for data results (reads) or to perform operations such as inserting, updating deleting data (writes)
Querying is the act of performing a query
Query language is a scripting or programming language designed as the format to submit request or actions to the database. (SQL, GraphSQL, Kusto, Gremlin, etc)
Relational Data
-Tables = A logical grouping of rows and columns
-Views = Result set of a stored query on data stored in memory
-Materialized Views = Is a result set of stored query on data stored on disk
-Indexes = A copy of data sorted by one or multiple columns for faster reads a at the cost of storage (improves the speed of reads)
-Constraints = Rules applied to writes, that ensure data integrity
-Triggers = A function that is trigger on specific database events
-Primary Key = One or multiple columns that uniquely identify a table in a row
-Foreign Key = A column which holds the value of PK from another key to establish a relationship
Row-store vs Column-store
-Data is organized in rows
-Traditional relational databases are row-stores
-Good for general purpose databases
-Suited for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)
-Great when needing all possible columns in a row
-Not the best at analytics or massive amounts of data
-Data is organized by columns
-Faster at aggregating values for analytics
-NoSQL store or SQL-like-databases
-Great for vast amount of data
-Suited for Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
-Great when you only need a few columns
Data Integrity & Data Corruption
Data Integrity ensures data is recorded exactly as intended (data quality)
-Have a well defined and documented data modelling
-Logical constraints
-Redundant and versions of your data
-Hash functions
Data Corruption is the act or state of data not being in the intended state
-Hardware failure
-Human error
-Malicious actors
Normalized vs Denormalized Data
Normalized is a schema design to store non-redundant and consistent data
-Data integrity is maintained
-Little to no redundant data
-Many tables
-Optimizes for storage of data
Denormalized combines data so that accessing data (querying) is fast
-Data integrity is not maintained
-Redundant data is common
-Fewer tables
-Excessive data, storage is less optimal
Pivot Table
Is a table of statistics that summarizes the data of a more extensive table from a: Database, Spreadsheet or Business Intelligence (BI) tool
-Are a technique in data processing
-Draw attention to useful information
-Leads to funding figures and facts quickly
Strongly Consistent vs Eventually Consistent
Data consistency is when data is being kept in two different places and whether the data exactly match or do not match
SC = Every time you request data, you can expect consistent data to be returned with X time (1sec) (never returns old data)
EC = When the request data you may get back incosistent data within 2 secs (whatever data is currently in the db, you may get new data or old data)
Synchronus Vs Asynchronous
Can refer to mechanism for data transmission or data replication
Synchronous = continuous stream of data that si synchronized by a timer or clock
-Can only access data one transfer is complete
-Guaranteed consistency of data return at time of access
-Slower access times
Asynchronous = continuous stream of data separated by start and stop bits (no guarantee of time)
-Can access data anytime but may return older version or empty placeholder
-Faster access times, not guarantee of consistency
Non Relational Data
A non-relational database stores data in a non-tabular form and will be optimized for different kinds of data-structures
Types of non-relational databases:
-Key/Value = Each value has a key, designed to scale, only simple lookups
-Document = Primary entity is a JSON-like data-structure called a document
-Columnar = Has a table-like structure but data is stored around columns instead of rows
-Graph = Data is represented with nodes and structures. Where relationships matter.
Data Warehouse
A relational datastored designed for analytic workloads, which generally column-oriented data-store.
Companies will have terabytes and milllions of rows of data and they need a fast way to be able to produce analytics reports.
-They can return queries very very fast even though they have vast amounts of data
-Are infrequently accessed meaning they aren’t intended for real-time reporting
-They need to consume data from a relational database on a regular basis
Data Mart
A data mart is a subset of a data warehouse.
-It will store under 100GB and has a single business focus
-Allows different departments to have control over their own dataset
-Generally designed to be read-only
-Increase the frequency at which data can be accessed
-The cost to query the data is much lower
Data Lakes
A data lake is a centralized storage repository that holds a vast amount of raw data (big data) in either a semi-structured or unstructured format.
Commonly accessed for data workloads such as: Visualizations, Real-time analytics, Machine Learning, On-premise data
Data Concepts
Data Mining is the extraction of patterns and knowledge from large amounts of data (not the extraction of data itself)
Data Wrangling is the process of transforming and mapping data from one “raw” data form into another format.
A Data Model organizes elements of data and standardizes how they relate to one another.
Data Modelling is a process used to define and analyze data requirements needed to support the business processes.
Data Analytics is concerned with examining, transforming, and arranging data so that you can extract and study useful information.
ETL and ELT are used when you want to move data from one location to another, where the datastore/databases have different data structures so you need to transform the data for the target system.
-Loads data directly into a target system
-Used for scalable cloud structured and unstructured data sources
-Used for large amounts of data
-Provides data lake support
-Requires specialized skills to implement and maintain
-Support for unstructured data readily available
-Loads data first into a staging server and then into the target system
-Used for on-premises, relational and structured data
-Used for a small amounts of data
-Doesn’t provide data lake support
-Easy to implement
-Mostly supports relational data
Data Analytics Techniques
- Descriptive Analytics - What happened?
-Metrics ~ KPI & ROI
-Generating sales and financial reports
-Accurate, comprehensive, live-data and effective visualizations - Diagnostic Analytics - Why did it happen?
-Investigate descriptive metrics to determine root cause
-Find and isolate anomalies into its own datasets and apply techniques - Predictive Analytics - What will happen?
-Use historical data to predict trends or reoccurence
-Statistical and ML techniques applied - Prescriptive Analytics - How can we make it happen? What actions should we take?
-Goes a step futher than predictive and uses ML by ingesting hybrid data to predict future scenarios that are exploitable
-The result is prescriptive analytics that will highlight what you can now make happen. Prescriptive analytics is a combination of data, mathematical models, and various business rules to infer actions to influence future desired outcomes. - Cognitive Analytics - What if this happens?
-Using analytics to draw patterns to create what-if scenarios and what actions can be taken if those scenarios become reality
-is a type of analytics that involves using machine learning algorithms to analyze unstructured data such as text, images, and speech.
Azure Synapse Analytics
Synapse Analytics is a data warehouse and unified analytics platform.
-Build ETL/ELT processes = ingest data from more than 95 native connectors
-Integrated Apache Spark
-Use T-SQL queries on both you data warehouse and Spark engines
-Supports multiple languages = T-SQL, Python, Scala, Spark SQL, and .Net
-Integrated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Business Intelligence tools (BI) = Azure ML, Cognito Services and Power BI
Synapse SQL and pools
Synapse SQL is a distributed version of T-SQL designed for data warehouse workloads
-Extends T-SQL to address streaming and machine learning scenario
-Use built-in streaming capabilities to land data from cloud data sources into SQL tables
-Integrate AI with SQL by using ML models to score data using the T-SQL PREDICT function
Serverless = For unpredictable workloads use the always-avalable, serverless SQL endpoint
-Serverless SQL pool is a query service over the data in you data lake
Predictable = Create dedicated SQL pools to reserve processing power for data stored in SQL tables
-Dedicated SQL pool is a query service over the data in your data warehouse. The unit of scale is an abstraction of compute power that is known as a data warehouse (DWU)
Synapse Key Features
Apache Spark:
-Synapse deeply integrates with Apache Spark.
-Simplified resource model that frees you from having to worry about managing clusters
-Fast Spark start-up and aggressive autoscaling
Data Lake:
-Tables defined on files in the data lake are seamlessly consumed by either Spark or Hive
-SQL and Spark can directly explore and analyze Parquet, CSV, TSV, and JSON files stored in the data lake
-Fast, scalable data loading between SQL and Spark databases
Azure Data Lake (Gen2)
A data lake is a centralized data repository for unstructured and semi-structured data
-Intended to store vast amounts of data
-Generally use objects (blobs) or files as its storage medium
-Designed to handle petabytes of data and hundreds of gigabits of throughtput
-Data Lake Storage adds a “hierarchical namespace” to Blob Storage
-Collect: Pulling from various data sources
-Transform: Change or blend data into new semi-structured data using ETL/ETL engines
-Publish: Publish dataset to meta catalogs so analysts can quickly find useful data
-Distribution: Allow access to data to various programs or APIs
PolyBase is a data virtualization feature for SQL Server.
Enables your SQL Server instance to query data with T-SQL directly from:
-SQL Server
-Hadoop clusters
-Cosmos DB
without separately installing client connection software.
-Allows you to join data from a SQL Server instance with external data
Azure Synapse Analytics - ELT
You can perform ELT using Synapse SQL in Azure Synapse.
-The fastest and most scalable way to load data is through PolyBase external tables and the COPY statement
-With PolyBase and the COPY statement, you can access external data stored in Azure Blob storage or Azure Data Lake Storage via the T-SQL language
Azure Data Lake Analytics
Data Lake Analytics is an on-demand analytics job service that simplifies big data.
Instead of deploying, configuring, adn tuning hardware… you write queries (viaU-SQL) to transform you data and extract valuable insights.
-U-SQL: Is a structured query language included within Data Lake Analytics to perform queries on you data lake.
Connectivity Architecture
When a connection from a server to an Azure SQL database the client will connect to a “gateway” that listens on port 1443. Based on the connection policy the gateway will grant traffic and route access to the appropriate database.
1- Proxy = outside the Azure Network
2- Redirect = inside the Azure Network
3- Default = It will default to either proxy or redirect based on where is the workload
Azure Defender for SQL
Azure Defender for SQL is a unified package for advanced SQL security capabilities for Vulnerability Assessment and Advanced Threat Protection.
Available for: Azure SQL Database, SQL Managed Instance and Synapse Analytics
What it does:
-Discovering and classifying sensitive data
-Surfacing and mitigating potential database vulnerabilities
-Detecting anomalies activities
Azure Database Firewall Rules
-Azure databases are protected by server firewalls.
-A server firewall is an internal firewall that resides on the database server.
-All connections are rejected by default to database.
-You can set server firewall rules via T-SQL
Always Encrypted & TDE
Feature that encrypts columns in an Azure SQL Database or SQL Server.
Uses two types of keys:
-Column encryption keys = used to encrypt data in an encrypted column
-Column master keys = a key protecting key that encrypts one or more column encryption keys
Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) encrypts data-at-rest for Microsoft Databases.
Can be applied to: SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and Synapse Analytics.
SQL DB Contributor:
-Manage SQL databases, but not access to them
-Can’t manage their security-related policies on their parent SQL servers
SQL Managed Instance Contributor:
-Manage SQL Managed Instances and required network configuration
-Can’t give access to others
SQL Security Manager:
-Manage the security-related policies of SQL servers and databases
-But not access to SQL servers
SQL Server Contributor:
-Manage SQL servers and databases
-But not access to SQL servers
MongoDB is an open-source document database which stores JSON-like documents. The primary data structure for MongoDB is called BSON.
-Binary JSON (BSON) = Designed to be efficient both in storage space and scan-speed compared to JSON.
-MongoDB supports primary and secondary indexes
-High availability can be obtained via replica sets
-Scales horizontally using sharding
-Supports multi-document ACID transactions
Graph Database
A graph database is a database composed of a data structure that uses vertices (nodes, dots) which form relationship to other vertices via edges (arcs, lines).
-Fraud detection
-Real-time recommendation engines
-Master data management (MDM)
-Contact Tracing
-Apache TinkerPop is a graph computing framework for both graph databases (OLTP) and graph analytic systems (OLAP)
-Gremlin is the graph transversal language for Apache TinkerPop
Apache Hadoop - Apache Kafka
Hadoop is an open-source framework for distributed processing of large data sets.
Hadoop allows you to distribute:
-Large dataset across many servers e.g HDFS
-Computing queries across many servers e.g MapReduce
Kafka is an open-source streaming platform to create high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications.
HDInsight is managed service to run popular open-source analytics service.
Supports the following frameworks: -Apache Hadoop -Apache Spark -Apache Kafka -Apache Storm -Apache Hive -Apache HBase
Has a broad range os scenarious such as: ETL, Data Warehousing, ML, IoT
Apache Spark
Spark is an open-source unified analytics engine for big data and machine learning.
Lets you run workloads much faster than Hadoop: 100x faster in memory and 10x faster than disk (lighting fast)
-Spark is a collection of libraries that work well together to form an analytics ecosystem
Resilient Dristributed Dataset (RDD API) = is a domain specific language (DSL) to execute various parallel operations on an Apache Spark cluster.
Azure Databricks
Databricks is a software company specializing in providing fully managed Apache Spark clusters.
Databricks Platform - Cloud-based spark platform with an ease-to-use web UI
-Launch fully managed Spark clusters
-Launch notebooks to write code and interact with Spark
-Create workspaces to collaborate with team members
-Create ELT or data analysis tasks
-Available on all main cloud service providers
Azure Databricks offers two environments:
-Azure Databricks Workspace: Databricks platform with integrations to Azure data-related services for building big data pipelines.
-Azure Databricks SQL Analytics: Run SQL queries on your data lake, create multiple visualization types to explore query results & build and share your dashboards
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
SQL Server Management Studio is an IDE for managing any SQL infrastructure.
Access, configure, manage, administer, and develop all components of: SQL Server, Azure SQL Database & Synapse Analytics
SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)
SQL Server Data Tools transforms database development by introducing a ubiquitous, declarative model that spans all the phases of database development inside Visual Studio.
-Uses SSDT Transact-SQL to build, debug, maintain, and refactor databases
Azure Data Studio
Azure Data Studio is a cross-platform database tool for data professionals using on-premise and any cloud data platforms for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
-Query, design, and manage you databases and data warehouses.
-Very similar to Visual Studio Code
Azure Data Factory
Data Factory is a managed service for ETL, ELT and data integration.
-Create data-driven workflows for orchestrating data movement and transforming data at scale.
-Create Pipelines
-Publish your transformed data to data stores such as Synapse Analytics
Activities: A processing step in a pipeline
Datasets: Data structures within the data store
Linked Service: Define the connection information for data sources to connect to Data Factory
Data Flows: Logic to determine how data moves through a pipeline or is transformed
Integration Runtime: Compute infraestructure used by DataFactory
Control Flow: Orchestration of pipeline activities that includes chaining activities in a sequence, branching
SQL Server Integration Services
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is a platform for building enterprise-level data integration and data transformations solutions.
-Can be used to automate SQL Server databases
-Can be used as a IR in Data Factory
-Perform ELT