External Factors and Ethnic Differences in Achievement Flashcards
What are the 3 external factors that affect ethnic differences in achievement?
- Cultural deprivation
- Material deprivation
- Racism in wider society
What is the cultural deprivation theory?
Underachievement of some ethnic groups is due to inadequate socialisation at home. It has 3 aspects: intellectual and linguistic skills, attitudes and values, family structure
How does intellectual and linguistic skills affect achievement?
Bereiter and Engelmann see the language spoken of low-income black American as inadequate. And those who don’t speak English at home are held back educationally.
Give examples that intellectual and linguistic skills do affect achievement
- In 2010, pupils whose first language wasn’t English were 3.2% behind of those who had English as their first language.
- In a school in America, African American English speakers were taught mainstream English. Broken English, e.g Caribbean, is devalued and the elaborated code is needed for school
Give evaluation for linguistic skills affecting achievement
Gilborn and Mirza note how Indian/Chinese pupils do well despite not having English as their home language
How does the attitudes and values of white WC affect achievement?
- White working class are less likely to want to go university due to a lack of parental support.
- e.g. Lupton found white schools had poorer behaviour and less aspirations despite less people on FSM compared to ethnic schools. Teachers blamed it on lack of parental support and ethnic parents valued education more
How does the attitudes and values of black children affect achievement?
Some black children are socialised into fatalistic subculture due to negative experiences with education or society itself, meaning they don’t value education
How does the attitudes and values of asians affect achievement?
- Sewell argues that Asian families have an ‘Asian Work Ethic’, meaning they place a high value on education.
- However, Pakistani and Bangladeshi students aren’t doing as well as other Asian groups
How does the Asian family structure affect achievement?
They’re more likely to have an extended family structure so Lupton suggests the adult structure in Asian homes mirrors that in education so respectful behaviour is already learnt when they come to school.
How does a lone parent (black) family structure affect achievement?
- Moynihan argues as many black families are headed by lone mothers, children are deprived of adequate financial care and of a male role model.
- Murray argues lone parenthood leads to a lack of positive role models
What is Sewell’s argument about the failure of black boys?
- A lack of fatherly nurturing leads to black boys finding it hard to overcome emotional and behavioural difficulties of adolescence.
- Street gangs of other fatherless boys offer ‘loyalty and love’. These present a media inspired role model of anti-school black masculinity, MTV rap videos.
- Many black boys are then subject to peer pressure. e.g. Sewell interviewed successful black boys and they said the biggest barrier to achievement was black peer pressure as speaking Standard English was seen as ‘selling out’ to the white establishment.
Give evaluation for Sewell’s argument about the failure of black boys
Gillborn, a critical race theorist, argues it isn’t peer pressure but institutional racism within the education system that produces the failure of black boys
What is compensatory education?
It is the main policy used to tackle cultural deprivation. The aim of Operation Head Start in the USA was to compensate children for the cultural deficit due to their deprived backgrounds
What are criticisms of cultural deprivation theory?
- Driver says it ignores the positive effects of ethnicity on achievement. Black families aren’t dysfunctional and provides girls with a positive role model of an independent women, explaining the gender gap in black pupils
- Critics of compensatory education see it as imposing white culture and propose a multicultural education that value ethnic differences or a anti-racist education that challenges discrimination in school
What does Guy Palmer find? (material deprivation)
Ethnic minorities are more likely to face material deprivation:
- Half of all ethnic minority children live in low-income houses, compared to a quarter of white children
- Ethnic minorities are twice as likely to be unemployed compared to white people
- Minority households are 3x more likely to be homeless