External Factors Flashcards
hubbs tait et al
language that challenges their children improves cognitive performance
educated parents more likely to use language in this way.
Bereiter and Englemen
language used by lower class families is deficient
distiguished between elaborated and restricted speech codes
also recognised that school (internal factors) have an influence on educational achievement as well as in the home
working class parents placed less value on education
parents own education is the most important factor affecting children’s achievement
Bernstein and Young
middle class mothers are more likely to buy educational resource that encourage reasoning skills and stimulate intellectual development. working class more likely to lack these so start school without these skills needed to progress
explains how the working class has four key values which act as a barrier to educational achievement
fatalism, collectivism, imediate gratification and present-time orientation
cultural deprivation is a myth and a ‘victim blaming’ explanation
children are culturally different not deprived
Blackstone and mortimer
criticises the view that w/c parents show no interest in their children’s education - they work longer hours so have less time.
money problems in the family are a significant factor in young children’s non-attendance at school
young people from poorer homes have lower intakes of energy, vitamins, and minerals, affecting health, resulting in more absences in school.
the lower the social class, the higher the rate of hyperactivity, anxiety and conduct disorders, all have a negative effect on the child’s education
bladen and machin
low income families more likely to engage in ‘externalising’ behaviours such as fighting and tantrums, which are likely to disrupt their schooling
the cost of free schooling
lack of financial support means that children from poor families have to do without equipment and miss out on experiences that would enhance their educational achievement.
tanner et al
the cost of items places a heavy burden on poor families.
fear of stigmatisation prevents children edible for free school meals from having them
smith and noble
poverty acts as a barrier to learning in other ways, eg tutors, uniform and textbooks
callender and jackson
w/c students more debt adverse (preventing success), seeing it as negative and something to be avoided. they saw more costs than the benefits of going to university.
w/c students were more likely to apply to local universities so they could live at home and save on travel costs.
less opportunities to go to the highest status university.
mortimer and whitty
material inquelities have the greatest effect on achievement
explains how the middle class have cultural, economic and educational capital
leech and campos
study of Coventry shows middle class parents are more likely to afford a house in the catchment area of a school that is highly placed in the exam league table
tested bourdieus ideas and concepts and concluded that ‘cultural capital’ explains part of the class gap - greater resources and aspirations of the middle class