Extended Roman Labelling Flashcards
What does ‘C:’mean?
The key signature is C major.
What are two ways of labelling chords?
Extended Roman and figured bass.
What does ‘c:’ mean?
It means the key signature is C minor.
What does a large upper case Roman numeral mean? (I, V, VI etc.)
It means a major chords so it is made up of a major 3rd and a perfect 5th.
What does a small lower case Roman number mean? (ii, vi etc.)
It means a minor chord which has a minor 3rd and a perfect 5th.
What does the Roman numeral indicate? (I ii III etc.)
It means the degrees of the scale.
What does a degree symbol (III•) mean?
It means that the chord is a diminished fifth.
What does a plus symbol indicate? (III+)
It indicates that the chord includes an augmented 5th.
What does a little number above a numeral mean?
It means that from the bass up it includes that interval.
What do these mean? A B C D
a= root position b= first inversion c= second inversion d= third inversion
If you put a b/# next to a numeral what does it do?
It chromatically effects the root of the chord.
What happens if you put a (d7) next to a numeral?
It means it is a diminished 7th from the bass.
What happens if you put an aug 6th (it)/(ger.)/(fr)?
It indicates an augmented 6th chors with one of those three variants.