Ext Ear Disease .. TM ... AOM.. SOM... CSOM ... UNSAFE CSOM Flashcards
Causative org of foll conditions.
- Cauliflower ear
- Perichondritis
- furuncle
- malignant otitis externa
- Base of skull osteomyelitis
- Bullous myringopathy
- Ramsay hunt syndrome
- Trauma
- Pseudomonas
- Staph
- Pseudomonas
- Pseudomonas
- strep pneumonia, influenza virus, mycoplasma
Tx of fibrous cauliflower ear
No rx required..
Rx only for cosmetic problem
Test for early diagnosis of malignant otitis externa ?
Test for resolution confirmation of infection ?
- Bone scan ( technitium 99 )
- ESR ( mc used )
Gallium/ indium
Severe pain in ear which increases with jaw movement
Tragus sign positive
What is dx ?
What is rx for ur dx ?
Dx.. fruncle / folliculitis
Rx.. coamoxiclav ( staph)
Elderly diabetic patient with ear pain..
On examination granulation is seen with necrosis …
Bx taken – came negative for mitotic bodies
State your dx and complications related to this dx.
Malignant otitis externa
Cx… 1. Osteomyelitis of base of skull ( thru fissure of santorini)
2. CN 7(mc) 9,10,11 involvement
Otomycosis causative org and app ?
- Aspergillus niger ( wet paper app)
2. Candida (cotton wool appearance)
In Ramsay hunt synd there is activation of ________ organism in ______.
2. Geniculate ganglion
Ear wax composition
Ceruminous secretion + desquamated epithelium
what are Contraindication for wax removal ?
- Battery stuck as a foreign body
- Vegetative foreign body
Mx of traumatic TM PERFORATION ?
Keep the ear dry
If any infection give antibiotics (local and systemic)
TM heals by 3 months
Which layer of TM does not heal ?
Fibrous layer
Tympanosclerosis occurs following ______
TM is adherent to promontory
State the stage of sabe pars tensa retraction
Stage 4
Adhesive otitis media
Sickling of maleolar folds seen in _____
Stage 1 of TM retraction
MC organism to cause Acute otitis media ?
Strep pneumoniae
Why eustachian tube is infected in
A) children
B) adult
A) ET is wider and smaller
3 year old child brought with severe pain in right ear with H/O sore throat. He will be having all except
A.. Hyperemic TM ( CART WHEEL SIGN)
B.. Bulging of TM
C… Tx is Tymoanoplasty
D… AB is preferred course.
Tymoanoplasty is done is safe CSOM where there is ossicular dislocation along with TM PERFORATION.
Ab is preferred when there is less / minimal bulging and no imminent danger of perforation.
Light house sign characteristics of
Acute otitis media
Aka light house sign
Types of incision in myringotomy
Radial and curvilinear
Curvilinear is preferred in postero inferior quadrant.
Postero superiro incision in myringotomy in contraindicated due to risk to damage to following structure
Chorda tympani
Facial nerve
Incudostapedial joint
Oval window