Expressoes Flashcards
Fuck off
Sai daqui, sai fora
In a row
Em sequida
Chill out
Calma, relaxa
Head out
Ir até
Used up
Usar tudo
Pushing your luck
Forçando a barra
Rock the boat
Causar problemas
Patched out
Original ou mais antigo
I have a question
Eu tenho uma duvida
How are you doing?
How is it going?
How is everything?
How are you?
I am doing all right
I am great
Not bad
I am nervous
Bravo, chateado
You know what mean?
Does I make sense?
Did you get it?
You fell me?
Voce me entende?
Voce entendeu?
Calm down
Nunca usar. Sounds rude. Use: chill out, relax, take ir easy, go easy
Carpet, rug, mar
Help sufix verb
When you have a verb after the noum help you use ing in the end of the verb.
Ex: I need help finding a gift for my doughter.
Apreciar, guardar
Ex: it is a gift that she will cherish for years